Sunday 21 February 2010

20 Feb 2010 - Roy First 6in1 Jab & Rotavirus

Roy appointment with PD is 10am.. so we left our home at 9.15am.. reach by 9.45am..

very crowded there.. waited til 10.30am.. Roy has his neck checked.. PD say his neck has improve a lot.. dun need do the exercise so often liao.. n he is 5.3kg with 59.5cm tall.. head reach 40cm..

he took the first 6in1 jab n the rotavirus.. brave boy.. no cry at all.. jus keept staring at daddy who was trying to distract him.. (mayb he tot is daddy poke him.. haha)

no fever with the next 24hrs.. n he wasnt sleepy oso..

the next appointment will b at 4mths old..time flies leh.. so fast he grow..

i start goin to miss the baby cry liao.. mayb when time to come.. i might consider 3rd one... whahahaha...

Chu San - To Ang Bao River

Went there in the evening with Dear, shawn, my mum, di di and his gf.. Jus walk walk n took some pic.. Ah Di play at the fun fair n won a toy doggy for shawn..

Chu Er - Science Centre

Decided to bring shawn to science centre instead of bird park.. too crowded there.. left Roy at home with mil..

7Feb2010 - Pre CNY shopping

Dear decided to bring shawn to chinatown for a walk.. shawn was so guai..sat in his stroller all the while.. even with tat crowded.. he still can tahan to sit in the stroller..

Friday 19 February 2010


Call up for first court attend court 22.. Reach at 9am.. Seng, my mum n I went inside to hear... Ah di not allow to b present .. So he waited outside

By 10am one one case read n settle.. We decided to leave n wait outside ..

At 11am.. The inspector inchg turn.. So we went back in to hear.. Conclusion wasy bro not negligent .. So no criminal chg against him over the death of the descese..

But there will b chg against him over other issue.. Will wait til the proscutor discuss with the police then send him another letter to attend court again..

The other party oso will file a civil chg against him..

Now can only pray tat he will b fine..

Our first cny with little Roy

We spend our eve dinner at my mum place with my elder brother...

ChuYi - woke up early as usual.. Was busy attending to the kids til 9 plus then give Shawn two orange to go wish ye ye n nah mah happy new year..

Left for my mother place at 10am.. Ate our lunch there with my elder brother again.. Stay there til abt 2plus then return back Fernvale to rest..

Evenin time.. I was tired yet still must go Seng aunty place.. Hai.. Prepare the kids Liao.. I was the last to get myself ready lol.. Then we walk over to her place.. Stay til 8 plus then I suggest we rush home to let Shawn n Roy slp le..

ChuEr - I wana bring Shawn to bird park.. So wake dear up early.. Tot he say wan bring mil along.. So i prepare Roy .. End up mil dun wana go.. We still bring Shawn n Roy out.. Reali not easy to carry a baby n look after a toddler .. We ate breakfast nearby.. N decided not to bring di di Roy.. So bring him back let mil look after.. Then we go off

reach bird park.. Was so crowded.. Long traffic q outside n carpark was all full.. So I suggest we go science centre.. Shawn fall aslp in car.. We use the twin stroller n he can slp flat in it.. Shiok leh.. We took pic at the entrance with dinosour.. N Shawn wake up to c the Dino.. He keep tellin me he par par.. Haha.. He stare at the Dino..

We went macdonld for lunch first.. Lucky we arrive early for lunch.. Manage to get a seat..

We had fun in the centre.. Esp Shawn.. He can ran abt inside.. But due to rain.. We miss the waterworks,, the playground was close.. So we headed back home at 2 plus..

Had dinner at home.. N we stay at home..

ChuSan - Hubby went to tabao bf for us.. Went out to eat at kofu at 4pm then head to ang bao river.. Park our car n meet my mum n di di at millina walk.. Then walk over to ang bao river

was very crowded there.. Took some pic n went to the funfair.. Shawn was surpirse to c those ride n when I ask him wana try the ride.. He tell me he scare ah.. Haha..

After this we went bukit timah to eat supper.. Prata shop.. Reach home at 11pm.. Shawn fall aslp le..

Friday 12 February 2010

How's Shawn doing

I haven been updating much about Shawn since Roy arrived.. So busy with two kids daily.. Didn even got a chance to take more pic n update my site..

This is the 4th mth Shawn went to Sch. Lots of compliment as well as complain for him. He bite classmate, snatch other stuffs.. But teachers still like him.. Always tell me 'shawn is so cute.. He has very handsome face' hahaha.. Teacher will update me on shawn progress in Sch.. Latest notice is he can express himself in min 3 words sentence le. Esp.. 'i want more' , 'i want this' , 'this is Xian Xian de' and sometime he will select who to feed him or bath him n start shouting things like 'nai nai NO, ma ma' or 'ma ma NO, nai nai' .. Lots of such shouting every nite..

He loves di di.. When di di cry.. He sit there n stare at him.. Then he will follow me n pat di di n say ok ok.. But at time he will oso slap di di head suddenly.. Duno y.. Mayb I pay too little attention to him.. He jealous??

No regret sendin him to Sch.. He reali learn lots in Sch.. N he is improving fast.. N oso it reali give us.. Mil n I more thing to do other things.. Every Sunday with Shawn ard.. Mil will always b shouting 'shawn ah'.. Hahaha..

Shawn is curious with everything .. Esp food.. Even teacher oso tell me.. He got very good appitude hor.. Yes.. He does have.. Dinner is alway 1.5 bowl of rice.. Those rice bowl we adult using de lo.. Then when we eat dinner.. He will wana try our dishes.. He even can take curry n chili sauce le..

Shawn can play slide by himself.. Can climb up n down stairs.. Can do bit jump.. We r tryin to intro cyclin to him soon.. Now lookin for suitable bicycle..

Will let him learn swim when he not longer scare swimming.. Drawing.. Rollerblade.. N of cos something dear deathin to let him learn.. Fishing.. Haha..