Tuesday 2 November 2010

Busy Busy Busy...Work Work & Work!!!

Haven been updating my blog for wks.. was busy with life ah... esp wkend.. all my time occupay by the kids..

In late Oct my firm receive a ltr from ARCA/ICPAS.. on PMP review on 10Nov.. hai.. since then.. we were busy rushing to tidy up the working papers.. n since last wk.. i have been doing OT daily.. n Thanks to my hubby seng.. being very supportive.. go back n pick shawn daily n look after the kids.. no doubt i can c he so stress up everynite i go back.. but he nvr give me any "attitude".. hehe.. jus keep hearing him scolding n argue with shawn.. hahaha.. sometime i feel tat the two of them reali like little kids fighting for toys.. alway argue over little things.. n seng always say to shawn.. "tonite u go slp with nai nai.. i dun wan slp with u..." n shawn will start to cry sadly.. n say.." i wan slp with daddy".. hahaha.."i dun like you.. everybody dun like u..." n it jus go on n on..

My little Roy is 10mo le.. so fast... his bday is coming.. so happy my little ones are all growing up so fast.. He can crawl and pull himself up to cruise ard now.. he alway like to point at us or to where he wana go.. he can wave byebye.. i thk i heard him calling ma ma ma these two day.. hee... i let him try drinkin using straw last sunday.. n surprisely he know how to drink.. he still dun drink much milk daily.. at the most 300ml EBM.. but when i reach home.. he latch on.. when i bring him to latching position.. he will go.. "zah zha zha" like moving his mouth..as if very thirsty.. n so kan cheong.. so cute.. Jus like shawn time.. i still let him latch to slp daily.. n nite.. if he wake up.. will jus let him latch on.. n he will go back to slp.. jus hope he can wean as easily as shawn in future..

My Shawn start to listen to us le.. as least not so much tantrum now ba.. he will look after his di di.. n will tell us he is his di di.. we cannot carry or touch his di di.. he will bring di di his water btl to drink.. he will sit by di di.. tell him to open his mouth to eat porridge.. then he will c tat di di finish porridge le.. n bring him the water.. he learn lots from sch.. gd n bad la.. more to come i think.. now i know how difficult it is to teach kids.. how to let him know wat we meant gd for them...