Sunday 5 June 2011

Busy wkend

Every wkend got to make full use of it.. Busy.. Rushin ard to buy n buy.. When this end?? I m so tired.. Plus tat contractor so attitude.. Delay handover. No doubt he is cheap.. No choice ah.. Bo $$ then must face attitude contractor lo.. Hope once over won't need to c him again ah.. We decided to hold n won't pay him full then. Since he so ya ya now

Our hse almost done. Left with only some item like doors n mirror not yet do..n here n there ah..quite happy with the Reno.. Since most stuffs was my own design.

Furnishing all bought. Now us those minor items tat we will need.. Plate n bowl given by my mum.. So save on tat.. Rice cooker given by bil. I in tend to get the airfryer.. So tats the only costly item left..

Shawn n Roy keep having running nose n cough.. For wks.. They have been unwell.. Reali hope they can fully recover soon..

At 17 mo.. Little Roy reali good at inmiate ppl.. He will put a toy phone to his ear n start talkin his bb language.. Hand moving abt.. Tats how daddy tok.. He will follow Shawn n use gun n band n others .. He dun say bang.. He say ber.. Vibrating his lips.. Cute.. He can say some simple words like.. Open, door, there, no more, dog, where,... Addressin he is good.. He can even address Po ( Wai Po), Su Su, ye ye, jiu jiu.. His favorite is still PA PA ... He can climb everywhere.. He climb stairs.. He play riding toys.. He fight with kor kor for toys.. He ran away when he know Shawn goin to snatch his toys..

Shawn reali grow up. Everything oso got own thkin.. Throw temper.. Alway shoutin n cryin .. Sian..