Monday 28 November 2011

Another new life..

After the last MC, we decided to have 3rd baby. And we start TTC in Nov. after my last mens on 20Oct. We tried early nov and the expected next mens was ard 21 Nov.

21Nov.. no sight of my mens coming.. (got chance :)) i tried to find my last leftover test kit. wan to do a test to see. But i just cant find it.. so on wed, i decide to order 5 preg test kit and 5 ovulation kit.

24 Nov, wo bu shi xin, went to search again for the kits.. and i found it.. went back our home and tested. Two line :) I have never seen one line on the kit. Starts to wonder the kits got problem?

was chating with Jasmine, she tell me highly likely i got it le.. tell hubby to c the result. He was happy too :)

receive my kits on monday28nov, did another test. Is still two line. Happy happy.. i went to get the folic acid from unity. Hope to eat tat first n delay to gynea. dun wana see him so soon. dun wana hear any bad new again.

Just hope no spot and everything go smoothly..

now i start to thk far.. so i got to start all over again.. preg.. bf.. look after baby.. plan financial.. etc etc.. can we cope?? hope we can..

we will close factory after this.. so just hope it will b a smooth preg jus like the two gor gor s' ...

look forward to see the bb in the scan soon...