Tuesday 27 December 2011

3 days to 2012.. Byebye 2011

So fast.. we are stepping into 2012 in 3 days time.. which will b roy bday on 31 dec.. n he is 2yo.. isnt tat fast...

For 2011, it was a difficult year for me.. or i sld said US.. i know it wasnt easy for dear oso.. just that he need to b strong in order to stand by me. I left old co n join new co but last for only 2mths and i left there and come back to old co. Its reali not easy to surive in that co. I m not wise enough? or sld i mayb i need to brush up my backstapin skill.. kee

everythings is back to usual after i come back old co.. but something happen in Aug.. which turn my world upside down. i m luckly to have my hubby ard.. i reali appreciate him very much..

Nov.. is another mth with surprise. we pass the mth with joy but mayb not everyone felt the joy like us. Who cares.

For this year.. mayb i didn gain any things.. i didn start my piano learning.. nor did i achieve anything on my career.. but i gain happiness with the new flat we moved in Aug. We get the key in Mar. We finally have a place of our own. I know hubby treasure tat. Cos he is doing most of the hsework now. hee..

For 2012...

I wish for many things...:

- Shawn is starting his lesson in Icreativelearner in Apr. Hope he reali gain from there.

- Roy is into playgroup le. Hope he can be toliet trained soon.

- Hubby will start his exercise plan soon..

- Hope everything go smoothly and our new member will b strong n healthy.

wish we will remain as happy as now.. no fight or quarrel.. All the best to our coming 2012!! dragon on the way.. yeah!!!