Tuesday 31 January 2012

So busy Jan2012

so much happening in this Jan2012.. new year.. hope things will be smooth n all goes well for all of us..

13-15Jan we went to Genting highland with Mum, Ah di & his gf.. of cos with my two kiddo and seng.. Spend wonderful days there. kids had fun at the theme park and the weather was so cooling. We went the outdoor theme park at nite.. which was so cold.. i was so worry Roy catch a cold.. but he was too happy to care.. daring him willing to sit on those ride with shawn all by himself.. so different from shawn last time..

16Jan we were on leave cos got an appt at tmc to do the oscar scan. reach at 10am no doubt appt at 10.30am.. Luckly we didn wait for long. baby was quite co-operative other then bb was sleeping in the start. so back facing us. got to move to my side to turn bb.. saw bb nose brigde which i was told it mean gd sign. then took all the measurement. was told all fine. Did a blood test. Result will b post to woody. Will know all result on next check up at 3feb.

CNY.. one after another fall sick.. 21Jan roy went to see doctor becos of his cough then 28Jan shawn went to see doctor bcos of his fever. we still went visiting on day 1 & 2 but didn go to sentosa for the flower this year. Went the Ang Bao river on 27Jan. Just to feel the cny.

something i wana record down... a CURSE from tat kpo aunty.

Chu yi nite, we went to seng aunty hse as usual. When i reach, i sat down at the sofa with roy on my lap. Try to keep as low profile as possible. Then her elder daugther come to me. ask me straight. "Are you expecting 3rd baby" i jus nob and ans ya. then she continue " no wonder i see you so skinny but tummy so big.. then she turn to her hubby and said.. "this 3rd one we loss to them liao.." n she come ask me how old is my baby le.. told her abt 14wks.. then she goes.. " too early to know gender rite.. if is girl.. i will move all my daugthers clothing n give you" (@#$%^&.. sound as if my sure boi liao lo) Then her hb ask me.." mean mar sld know gender liao lo.." i jus ans ya.. likely..

she turn n tell her mum abt i preg.. tat aunt face turn color immed.. seng notice tat.. then she start askin me.. how old m i.. when will baby born.. which mth etc.. then count liao tell me.. both even wo.. (another sound as if is boi lo) i jus ignore n sit there play with roy..

later.. tat aunt again remind me.. to inform her if my reali girl.. she need to move the clothing out from storeroom to wash.. (WTF)...

seng saw his aunt n uncle sat at the sofa talkin.. then i heard tat uncle said something abt dragon baby gd etc..

y must them behave like tat. i dun wana to say i m fine with boi.. cos they will say i pretend de.. fine.. i jus smile n nob.. so wat if i got another boi.. i dun need them to coax me wat.. i know seng is happy with 3 boi.. so m i.. most impt is bb healthy n grow up.. at least when ppl see me with two boi.. stranger first reaction is ... Ho Say lo!!! hahahaha...