Sunday 20 May 2012

Gynea visit @ wk31 19May2012

My appt sld be 1 june 2012. But i felt bb not moving enough for the pass two days n since we were at compasspoint, so I tell seng I wana go do a scan. See the gyne to ensure bb is fine. Reach clinic at 10.30am. but they only start giving out Q# at 11.30am. was still wondering sld we wait. Seng say we jus shop ard, go foodcourt eat then can jus pop by take Q# le.


Went get a hairdryer then have my bf cum lunch at foodcourt. By the 11.25am. so Shawn n I went to the clinic n wait while seng bring roy back to mil. Got 103 which was the third.


I brought shawn to get some bread n a drink. Sat at the bus interchange to let him eat. He was asking me y I didn’t bring him to take a double decker bus. N keep asking me how ppl go to the second lvl of the bus. (SwanKu shawn..hahah!!!) He forgot I did bring him n roy to take a doubledeck bus long ago. Thk we sld bring him for a ride one of these days.


Went back to clinic to wait at 12.15pm. Woody come in at 12.25pm. He start off soon after but seng not back yet. I quickly tell him to rush over. It was our turn soon. Shawn was very excited to c bb. N while I was doing my scan. Shawn guai guai de stand behind the curtain to wait. Luckly seng pop in intime.


Woody comment bb heartbeat all doing fine. ask me dun worry if bb got min 10 move daily. He wana give me MC to rest but I rejected. (Going out audit next wk. No time for MC) @31wk old bb is not 1609g. Will go back to see him again in two wks time. When I will hit 33wks le. (so excited!! its getting nearer…)


I thk shawn rmb. he rmb how sad I was the last time when I lost my last bb.. when I left this clinic cryin in the car etc.. cos he ask me hows bb. I was tell him everythings ok. He ask me y need to scan. I tell him to know hows bb doing in me. Then he comment is it scare bb die. or scare bb sick inside. He is reali very sweet lil boy. I tell him shhhhh!!! dun say le. then he jus keep quiet..


Was quite glad my two boys are looking forward to bb arrival. They will kiss my tummy and face my tummy n sing for bb. Esp roy. He started the singing for bb while shawn will follow.


Recently shawn keep asking me, How is bb going to come out from my tummy? I tell him I push bb out lo. then he ask how I push??? errrrrr….. I duno how to ans him. hahaha


To baby: we are all so excited to see you soon. hope you will grow well and born to b a healthy lil one to us. We love you.