Tuesday 10 July 2012

Battle @ TMC 9Jul - 10Jul 2012

Those moment waiting in the delivery room... 9Jul2012 - 10Jul2012

All abt me ... Preg Pic!!!

Tot i better blog down some of my preg pic.. since those are my last round of preg le..

Chloe Yap Yu Xuan 叶昱萱 birth story

10July2012 6.19am Chloe come into this world...

10.30am- after pass motion got bloody show..  was MSN June n pris peh..
All the way til evening 5plus.. saw another round of show..
Mild contraction whole day... inform seng..  ask him standby..
Start to time contraction at 7pm onward....is like abt 20min interval..  ask hb faster feed n settle the boys..  suspect tonite need check in le..wanna make sure the boys sleep first before we go..
Bring them back by 8.30pm.. quickly bath n change myself... put them to bed by 9.15pm... lucky they tired.. slp by 10pm..
Went back my room sit on bed watch TV n time my contraction.. start to hit 15min interval le.. was chatting with cheryl..  decided to SMS woody..  ask if I can wait til 8-5min interval...
Surprise tat woody call back.. ask me go admitted immediately.. if wait til 8-5min interval... scare I will deliver at home...
So we call mil to come over... while I do last min packing etc.. give my two darling kiss... n left home at 11.30pm...
Reach tmc 12.05am.. went in ask nurse where to go etc..
Went delivery suit.. ask many ques and given gown to change.. n clear my bowel.. strip me on ctg machine..  no much contraction.. I start to regret come in so early.. then push me to delivery suit rm5..  long wait there.. from abt 1am+.. we wait n wait. Got the drip n antibiotics fix on me.. did a ve check.. only 5-6cm.. tats bad.. mean I still got long way to go... shit..
by 3pm plus... I start playing with the laughing gas... just in case I reali need it soon.. the contraction still come at 7min interval but each time it hit Max was painful le.. I try using the gas at a rate of 5breathing gas.. 5breath without... do the count to distract myself..
N at tat time we still can heard next door gyne trying to count n ask patient to push etc.. she pushed almost an hr... 
By 4.30am.. pain got worst le.. I starts to bang the bed handle.. wana hold seng... told nurse I feel bit pushin.. nurse do another ve check... only 7-8cm... bb head still high... ask me try push her down abit... unsuccessful..  sad..

After each ve check.. pain got worst... by 5.30am.. I feel like crying le... real pain n it's killing me... seng start get kan cheong too.. stand beside me.. keep telling me breath gas.. slowly... in out... relax etc... I was holding his hand tight...

Abt 5.50am.. I tell him I wanna push le.. tat idiot nurse still ya ya relax walk in.. do ve again.. tell me not yet.. at tat moment I give a push.. N she feel bbs down le.. she start asking others faster call woody.. while other nurse come help.. lower my bed.. hold down my leg.. stop me from pushing...

The waiting for woody stage was the worst... I keep breathing the gas.. nonstop.. hear seng beside me... non stop ask me relax.. I know I hold his hand tight n put by my face... heng I nvr bite.....

Woody reach here within 15min.. get change.. set my legs up.. once ready..  I start pushing.. one hard push bb out le.. I can feel him pull her out.. then place bb on my tummy.. I was really too tired to c my bb.. follow by the pain of pushing the placenta out.. n those stitches... I still haven let go the laughing gas...

My last two delivery was much easier ba... plus the pain after bb open was quite OK.. but this one different ... was much more painful...

But after woody done.. nurse clean bbs..I still try latch bb..  no doubt I feel weak pain n shivering... tats my first present to give her...

I was push to rm 630 bed B... a two bedded..