Friday 26 October 2012

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Cheeky roy

Recently lil Roy like to make monkey face n ask me take pic of him.. our cutee pie

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Cheeky roy

He like to make monkey face then ask me take his pic... our cutee pie

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Tuesday 16 October 2012

Labour pic found in iPad

Happen to find more pic in the iPad

Fever pls go away

Roy being having fever since Friday . Til today 17oct his fever have yet subside. N tdy I have seng accompany me to look after Roy. I m reali mentally tired .

Waiting to c doc..mon15oct2012

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Wednesday 10 October 2012

Monday 8 October 2012

Days we spend together

Roy having fun at sabawang shopping center

Chloe ready for gai gai

Boys playing at basketball court

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Our long wkend with the kids

The kids childcare close due to children's day hence we had our long wkend. N its stressful wkend..

Roy r getting more n more out of ctrl recently. Having meal outside starts to get difficult to manage. Shawn behave very well. Will always take his meal himself. But Roy will refuse to let us help him. N he will play with his food.. or starts to walk abt. He really stress me til no appetite to eat my meals. I will always eat their leftover only. Just wanna faster get it over n leave..

On Friday, we went tabao prata n went back mil place to eat. Halfway thro.. then opennet ppl called. Seng had to rush back home while I stay at mil place with the kids. Play games with the kids.

Seng come back at abt 12.30pm. we went back home then head to IKEA. Had some food there. Tot wanna bring them to pasir ris park but it started rain when we left ikea. We end up at sabawang shopping center. The playground was under reno. We end up shopping at gaints then went chong pang for dinner.

Seng order his noodle while waiting for the kids noodle. Roy start his nonsense. Start throwing temper. When his noodle come. He refuse to let me help him. Then he just use the spoon keep pushing the noodle to one side. I was so angry with him. Just carry him off n went to the car b wait for Seng n Shawn. Roy knew I was angry. He keep telling me he won't do it again. I just stare at him n keep quiet.

I suddenly rmb I haven't bring Chloe to thanks guan yi ma for blessing her. So we left the boys at school n left to si ma Lu. Went pai pai then have prawns noodle at hawker. They were few uncle n aunties come to Chloe n comment she was so cute etc. Even place his hand one Chloe head n bless her.

Then I went GO to get the playtex milk bag.

Since Chloe was slping.. so I didn't let mil take over her. We just brought her n Roy alone to send Shawn to teacher annie hse. We wanna got pasir ris park again. N it was close down for Reno. So we went over the fishing pond. So Much memories there. We use to go there fish long ago. Went shop n save to get seng candy n drink. Then went back to pick Shawn n head to chong pang for Seng hair cut.

Had dinner at my mum place.

Had lunch at tp gaints then Seng send Shawn n I to swimming lesson while he n Roy went car wash.

Shawn had improve alot for his swimming. Hoping to see him swim without assist soon.

Seng pick us up n we went back home. Left to tabao at amk then went back mil side to eat. Since it was early. I decided to bring them down to play ball.

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Wednesday 3 October 2012

Import from MyMultiply

I finally had import all my blog from mymuliply over to blogger. Trying to tidy up the blog then notice. I have not been writing blog for awhile. No updates on my kids. Sad :(((

I wana come back to start blogging over my life and my kids. Esp now with our new member to the family. Lil chloe. Sure have lots to write.

Let me Start BLOGGING from now onward...