Monday 18 February 2013

7Mo Chloe

Lil Chloe is 7mo on Chu yi.. she got her 5th tooth otw. Can sit with lil support. Can walk well in her walker.recognize me well. Only like me n mil to carry. Our lil treasure at home: )

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Saturday 16 February 2013


16Feb2013 Seng n I send our boys to sch then head to have our bf before going lower perices to try our luck. Saw other using live bait n caught big fish.

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Went loyang point after sending Shawn to teacher annie lesson. Roy had fun on the mini stage.

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蛇年 初三

I invited few fren n kids to have steamboat lunch at my hse. Too busy n forgot to take pic.: (

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蛇年 初二

Went to wai po hse for lunch. Then head to 三姨 hse. Saw 二姨 there. C them really getting old le. Mum get to chat n gossip with them while I entertain my kids.

My nice hb just sit one side Wait. He is really a gd hb. Dun mind send us there. N he rmb my ah yi hse better then us. Love him.; )

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15Feb2013 job interview

Went for my first job interview on Friday. Accompanied by Seng. He drove me to the company. Drop me there. Then went nearby jalan n Wait for me. We left home at 2.40pm and teach at 2.50pm. Isn't Tat. Fast?

the interviewer was a very nice lady. The FM of the company. Explain to me on the position job scope and Even try to assure me on the working hrs. Seldom ot etc. I thk she will make a gd superior. I do hope I get to join her team n learn more.

Moving on is nvr easy. Esp when my current Boss is so nice. I feel like part of his family. Just got to c how things go next wk. Hope I get some gd news: )

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