Tuesday 31 December 2013

31 dec2013 roy 4th bday

Took half day on 30 dec to celebrate his bday at school.. then 31 dec took half day bring kids out.. to kiddyfun at turf club with dear and mil...

Then had swansen..

2013 over..2014 come

For 2013...
I left fklim & co.. where i worked almost 7yrs.. n join utac. Wasnt very happy there.. but at least not so bad as in kpmg.. for this yr.. i got my cpa.. nothing of big achievement.. but a safe n smooth yr.. with kids n dear ard.. i m loved..

Wish 2014...
I get promoted? Pay raise? Or switch better job? Kids and dear good health. Dear work smooth. Everything safe n smooth. Shawn register into our ideal school.this should b our biggest event of the yr.. pri1 registration :) and chloe join cc.. hope she adapt fast n enjoy herself there..

With family set up liao.. no longer need to target for ttc..haha..

Wednesday 25 December 2013


No doubt i m happy with my two boys.. but i thanks god for giving me my lil chloe.. she is reali very peaious to us.. having a daughter reali makes lot of different... n i m glad i have her.. her hugs n caring tot is so different from a son..

She will b very caring daughter i believe.. n independent... at 17mo.. she is able to self feed herself.. she can speak few words at a go.. n she can follow instruction.. i m proud of my lil ger..

Will miss this lil darling at his stage.. hugzzz bao bei!!!

Kids sick again

First is chloe.. fever n flu.. then cough with phglem.. then follow by shawn.. high fever..

21dec13.. we bring them to sembawang park to play.. no doubt shawn is still feverish.. jus wan him swear it out..

Xmas 2013

Had all the presents place under the xmas tree last nite.. so first thing the kids did when they wake up was.. open presents.. hee

Prepare bf for them.. get them ready etc.. n easily its 12 noon.. bring chloe over to mil side for her lunch.. while we head to old airport hawker for fish soup beehoon..

Then we went parkway parade to shop.. rent the push car for roy.. n shawn cant fit into the car anymore..  bit sad tat he miss the phase to sit in this car n move ard.. still rmb the last time we come.. wana rent this ..for few time we end up didnt.. either all rented out.. or customer svc counter was long q.. hai.. n end up now her cant play liao.. kid out grow so fast...

Then we went ecp to play sand n fiebiez..
We enjoy ourself .. n so do the kids..

They knock off in the car.. while dear went changi village to tabao... n went back mil side got dinner..

Chloe was so excited to c us back.. she so cute.. hug at me like lil koala bear..

Tuesday 17 December 2013

My 34 bday :)

Took leave to celebrate my bday with seng..

He wana to go fishing in the morn with his dad n bro.. so we spend our morn at changi fishing.. caught nothing.. expect some mini fish..

Then the repair shop called said wana get the spare key to test out the car.. hence we left at ard 12+.. went home n get the key.. give the shop.. b4 heading down to simei to eat chic rice..

Then we went compasspoint collect the stawberry shortcake.. ordered by my dear..

We order pizza for dinner.. n had a mini celebration at home..

Simple n happy day.. with the kids.. yeah!!!

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Our kiddos.. 好爱你们!!

My dearest kids.. mummy love u all so much.. no matter how fience i m... how demanding.. i love u all more than anyone else... i wan the best for u all.. hoping u will grow up healthy.. b a useful person.. n b our gd child...

Tuesday 3 December 2013

22nov13 kids performance

They had their performance at singapore post office. 

Dear n i took leave for tat day.. dear wana go c fil n bil fishing.. hence we head to changi village n met them there.. we went into changi conventional hall area to fish. Got nothing..

Then left at 12.. rush home then to spore post.. heng we arent late...

Touching to c those k2 graduate.. next yr will b my shawn turn...