Monday 4 August 2014


Xiao mao after his ice cream yty.. 3aug

Surprise me.. hahaha.. so cute roy.. love him

Chloe going moriah schhse on 4aug14

This lil princess of ours is going to sch tmr.. 我好舍不得。。。

She has been enjoying herself.. b pamper at home.. now she need to go to sch.. n learn to survive without mummy n nainai with her... omg.. can she do it? Will she enjoy going to sch??

I hope she will learn n grow up well in sch..

Nai nai must b jus as sad as me i guess.. she has been spending mths with her since she is born.. almost everyday.. i can feel her.. jus like how she can feel me too..

Pray tat she will surprise us.. n adapt fast.. waiting for her to wave bye to me .. still rmb how shawn first wave to me n i cried.. hahaha...