Wednesday 21 October 2015

2 Oct 2015 pepper left us forever

He fall sick suddenly. Pass urine w lot of blood.  Mother only told us on the Monday 28sep. We brought him to vet tat nite.. did many test but result was unknown. Given antibiotic to take.

He start to lose appetite. . Every morn.. i ride scooter.. went over early w Roy. . Feed him medicine n try give him food...

On 2 Oct morn.. 6plus am.. Mother called me.. after many miss call to dear.. she say.. pepper 亡生了... shock by her words.. went tell dear.. n start crying so loud

The sight of pepper.. lying there..not moving.. a scene tat I will nvr forget.. i sad.. but I keep thking.. he left us. Cos he dun wana burden us.. which make me feel even worst..

Use a white towel.. cover n carry him .. send him to mount pleasant. . Left him in the room..table..farewell my boy.. i will miss you..

Will rmb those wonderful time we spend together at yi shun. . When u first come to our hse.. i neglect u after Shawn born.. u nvr once hurt our babies.. when Shawn hv nitemare. . Cry non stop.. how u lick his foot to calm him down ...  how u smell my babies when they first come back home from hospital..

4 Oct 2015 receive call from mount pleasant. . Pepper ash ready for collection le.. left kids w mil..  went collect w my mum... get some papers.. n incense to burn for him..

Went ponggol end.. to spread his ash into the sea... somewhere which seng n I loves to go.. hope pepper is set free le.. no more cage up ..

Sorry pepper.. if u wasn't happy w us.. we didn spend lot of time with u.. but we r so sad to hv u leaving us so suddenly... if u reali leave bcos of worry tat we can't afford to spend so much medical fee on u... we thanks you.. but I must tell you.. i nvr give up on u..

Thanks for everything.. may you will hv better life in your next life..