Thursday 28 April 2016

Work n work ... change n change

Haven't got time to long story n lots of changes..

From heading ap team then switch to head ar team... Sam was ask to leave n I was ask to take over the AR team.. it was not easy..especially since I have not much experience and with the mess he have leave behind ...

I tried very hard.. from the beginning to handle the dn n cn request.. the creation of customer code etc.. til first mon the end close.. with so much unknown tat I need to explore and find out the ans...

I was told gst will b pass on to Esther...

But suddenly..they tell me new change.. we will move to usg2 and report to Chee Yong.. n I will take back gst.. n head ar with 2 direct reportee..

When the qtr is due for gst reporting.. suddenly all push back to me.. lol.. n I need to tidy up another mess to ensure GST submit on time.. sian..

Then.. esther come tell me she tender.. so.. another nitemare coming up.. if only I can oso jus give up like tat...if only my boss dun treat me so well.. Maybe I will give up more easily...

I can only tell myself... i can... i sure can..

All the best to myself...

Shawn 8th bday

I totally forgot to update my boy 8th bday.

Shawn join chloe n I took a bus to her ballet class.. they have fun at the playground b4 and after the lesson

We didn't go special place to celebrate his bday  . Expect to the tampines mall to see his nexo knight exhibition..

Had our dinner at changi there.. had spaghetti n bake rice etc..

Collect his cake from bangawan solo..

Hope my boy grow up strong n healthy.. happy n enjoy his life... work hard n play well...

We love u so much dear Shawn...