Monday 1 June 2020

Home based learning >>> circuits breaker

This year is special.. to the whole world. All due the start of Wuhan vrius then rename as covid19

I started work from home partially since mid mar.. til completely work from home from Apr.. n MOE first try on home base learning on 1Apr.

Then follow by sudden outbreak found in foreign dormitory... n start of circuit breaker when school go on 100% home base learning from 8Apr onward.. I got a shock when I check my kids work on the first week end then I notice they are not following the online learning schedule closely. Lots of outstanding work incomplete. 

So the following week, I track their work closely Everyday. N that’s stressful when I still need to do my work.. n plan for they lunch n dinner. It’s never a breeze working at home. Til...

I notice.. I have never been so close n stick daily n every hour n min with the kids even since they were born. It was only during the maternity period which I only took 2 mths break with each of them. That was the longest I think. So this time was a bless to us. I tell myself once it’s over, we won’t have such Long together time again. Everyone is busy earning a living. Achieving their goal and we always tot we have all the time n put family time on hold. 

Everyday we still scream and shout at each other. Cane still. Lol 😂 but I believe that’s part of the memories which we won’t forget. 

Today we have enter the phase 1 after the circuit breaker where kids start going back to school. Shawn n Roy need to go back today. While Chloe will do her HBL at home. We continue to work from home. I do hope work from home will become a norm in future. After all, we really gain more family time w kids as we work from home. Save on the travel time can let us send them to school in a slower pace. We won’t need to push them into sch in order to rush to work. We can have them come back home and save on student care fee as well. I hope we will be given option to work from home after this pandemic. 

Chloe miss her 小哥 I oso miss my boys. Wondering how are they doing in school. Warn them to take precautions on all the touch n wash hand , wear mask etc.. 

Once this is over, we wana go holiday again. Look forward to that soon.

Stay safe boys!!!