Tuesday 27 June 2023

Celebrate Ella 2nd bday πŸŽ‚πŸ₯³

Was invited to my brother hse to celebrate Ella 2nd bday...simply steamboat dinner cum bday celebration

Sunday 25 June 2023


Going thro all the tough time together. Especially when kids gave us headache n worries. Support for each other is really just what we need to move on. Someone to listen n take our worries.

We just need spend more time together like this....

First day back school πŸŽ’

26Jun23 first day back school. Wet weather. Start raining early morning. Dear suggest a change. He sent the boys to school then come back. End up too rush. Chloe late for sch. He send Chloe to sch n me to work. 
He went clinic to check his foot. He complain in pain for few days. 

I didn sleep well last nite. So scare next day morning need wake them up and worry Shawn dun Wana go school. Dear manage to wake them up. But they still take his own time to slowly get ready. End up left home at 6.45am hence delay everyone. 

I must learn to relax. They boys really stress me alot. So scare of morning. Duno how to deal w them. How to motivate them to wake up in time.