Monday 6 September 2010

5Sep2010 ZOO outing

Thanks to Huiling.. we get to go Zoo free.. hee

I ask my family along.. n its Roy first time to the Zoo..

My bro come over to our place at 8.30am.. n Seng was still in bed.. while Roy was so excited ba.. woke up at 6.30am.. i was busy packing their stuffs to get ready..

left home at 9.15am.. head to jalan kayu for Prata.. weather wasnt good.. was rainin since 3am...

After eating.. we go over to huiling place to tongpang them .. together we go to the Zoo..

Waited outside the zoo for abt 30min.. luckly rain stop.. nice weather..cooling day..

We miss the animal show.. cos by the time we go in.. is abt lunch time for the kids.. so we stop at the kids playground.. while huiling n her family move on to the show..

Went to the Splash safari show and the elephant show.. shawn fall aslp during the safari show.. so i woke him up for the elephant show.. he was so excited during the show..

Roy was aslp b4 the safari show.. til end he was still slpin.. he miss the show.. but woke up in time for the elephant show .. luckly we brought the twin stroller.. let the kids sit in there.. reali give me a break..

Left zoo at 4.30pm.. went yishun for dinner then head back home .. Roy was hungry.. n ate big bowl of porridge.. same for shawn.. shawn was so excited .. tellin nai nai wat animal he saw in the zoo...

I guess those documentary show we watch daily does help him to recognise lots of animal.. hee

To Dear: Thanks for bring the kids n ME to the zoo.. i jus loves to go ZOO.. hee..

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