Thursday 17 March 2011

What's going ONzzzz???

Haven been writing for wks.. Even since I starts in new job.. Life changed.. I hate my new job.. Ppl there sucks .. Backstaper .. Bossy.. So I tender.. U nvr have give up things so easily like this time.. But now I can't thk for myself only.. I must consider my family.. N kids.. Thk nothing sld b more impt then time spend with them.. So wat if cam earn big buck there..

Another big issue tat happen on tues.. Reali long story.. It started since last yr.. Mayb in sep or oct.. We.. As in my young bro n I has been asking ard abt transferin yishun flat to him name.. Ask abt loan etc.. N was told my settle loan first then can trf.. So I ask him to go apply hdb loan.. N tat drag til now unsettle..
N out of sudden.. He went to apply bto flat.. Which yrs back I have been askin him to apply but he refuse.. N tue he went to select his unit..
Officer there told him.. If he took over yishun flat now.. It will drain off all his cpf $& now.. N in 2-3 mths time when he need to pay first 10% for tat bto flat.. He will need cash le.. Havin know tat.. He SMS me.. " yishun flat got bad news" n ends there.. I reply SMS.. But nothing come back.. So I tot since he with officer.. Better tell me wat happen then we can clarify with the officer again.. So I call.. He tell me.. Call back later busy now.. Fine.. I call ah ma.. She say duno wats wrong.. Say will ask di di to call me later.. Ok..

They went on to settle the deposit then come SMS me.. Tell me the problem.. Say can't take over the flat ...

I was angry.. I scolded him for draggin til now .. Since all the while he doesn't wana take over.. Then y now then bring out all the shit.. Delay my side..

He say I FORCE him take over the flat.. He say I give him no option.. He say I m SELFISH.. He say is I who ask him apply bto flat now.. Sound like is all my fault now rite

I decided to bring mum over n stay with me n sell off tat flat ..

Then come mum.. Yty I called her to tell her I goin back ex co to work le.. She then tell me.. She won't wana come stay with me.. She will follow ah di n kor go rent an unit at $1.5k per mth.. She give excuses as if move in with me.. All her stuffs at yishun must throw??? Say stay here can't got yck work??? Wat kind of excuses.. My is empty flat.. I dun expect her to throw.. Excuses are jus excuses.. N worst part is.. She told me.. " ah di got no $ to repay ur CPF ma.. Can't take over the flat.. U go sell lo" she make it sound like I make them homeless now.. I MAKE Then
Homeless???? Wats the stitutation now???? I become the idiot??

Heard wat she say upset me most.. I cried in the mrt on my way home.. Waitin for Seng to pick me at buangkok .. I cried while ridin back.. Seng was angry too.. Went SMS him.. Wonder wat he tell my mum.. He tell us not happy can go there find him talk.. Dun SMS.. Wat kind of attritude.. He push all the blame to me...

Tell me.. I need the courage n strength to let go.. I have done enough for them.. Seng tell me.. I have our own family le.. Stop been so involve with them.. He will stop goin back every sat.. I cried again...

Is it they give up on me already or.. I sld have give up on them le..

Tdy I m getting my key to the new hse.. Waited for almost 4yrs.. But why m I not as excited as I tot I sld..

Let go let go... Easier to say then do.. I decide to sell off yishun flat.. Get wat I deserve n Reno furnish my new flat..

Sellin off tat flat will give me $$ to do up my new flat freely.. Has they tot of WHY won't I wana to sell at first.. He chose this path.. Like Seng say.. He will regret de.. Stay in rental hse.. Contrac over may not get renew.. Then must move again.. Plus.. Wat if his relationship with his gf turn bad.. Bto flat gone.. Wat r they goin to do.. Not goin to thk so much for them le..

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