Thursday 31 January 2013


Reali can't stand the szb in my ofc..everyday late for work.. n still can be so action pack.. come in complaint abt taxi uncle drive her to the jam.. n say she wana get off at bus stop.. cos fare too x le.. uncle refuse let her off... Sure or not.. dun let her off..

Come in.. late 1.5hr.. then action.. take take out her leave form... tell Boss she take leave cover late... pls lo.. everyday late... just tat tdy is after Boss come in lo...做戏...

Then lunch time went buy gift to give Boss...

Mrs Lim come tell me.. she thk tat gal oso not in rite mind... we ALL felt so lor... she us SOT de...

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday 27 January 2013


好累好累。。 真的好累。。我快撑不住了。。老公。。怎么办!!!!

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday 17 January 2013

Routine with our three 宝贝

Just feel like listing down our daily routine
6.15am - I will wake up. Express milk.then try all ways to wake Seng up. Then I bath.. get myself ready. then change the boys. Chloe will wake up at 7-7.15am. Self entertain til 7.30am.

7.30am- bring then over to school n pass Chloe to mil.

7.45am- I otw ride to ofc.

8.10am- in ofc enjoy bf. Start work.

1pm- express milk during lunch break.

5pm- express milk before knock off work.

5.40pm- otw back home

6.10pm- Reach home. Bath

6.40pm- leave home got over pick the boys from childcare.

7.10pm- Reach mil place. Feed the boys dinner.

8pm- bath the boys.

8.40pm- home. Teach Roy ABC n give Shawn some stuffs to do.

9.10pm- let them watch tv or play iPad. While I latch Chloe to sleep.

9.30pm- Seng put boys to sleep. I make Chloe sleep

10pm-10.30pm - all sleep.

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