Wednesday 31 July 2013

Shawn n chloe visit dr choi on 30jul13

Shawn has been complainin eye pain n rub his eye til sore red.. keep us worry.. hence we decided to bring him to the doc.. together with our lil princess chloe .. she got a lump at the inner corner of her rite eye.. been there for few days liao..

Turn out.. shawn got this allergy eye n nose.. he on n off got blood flow from his nose.. or blood clot struck there.. all link.. hence he has the eye problem.. poor boys.. didnt knoe he suffer for so long.. always like breathing so heavily during sleep at nite..

N chloe got zhen yen.. need to put eye drop n takr antibiotic.. doc worry it turn to have 'long'.. so better let her start antibiotics. .. hope it will gone by 1wk time.. else need go back c him again..

Like tat two child visit doc cost me $100+ liao... tats y ppl keep saying have so many kids.. must b rich.. else how to survive. .. if I nvr save for these rainy days.. then how ah.. need to beg to let kid c doc liao lo.. jus like during my time.. dad only give mum $5 per wk... how to get $100 to c doc suddenly...

Open present time

Presents from everyone .. thanks

Chloe on 10 july 2013

How can I forget to pen down her big 1 day..

My company shut down hence I on leave.. n so seng oso too leave.. n we brought chloe to shi ma lu pai pai .. sent the boys to school first. . Then went amk for noodle..shen mien.. then head to pai pai..

Went shop at the new shopping mall behind benlington sq.. n come to know it is link to bugis.. went there sakisusi eat lunch.. chloe had her first chawamushi. . She love it   while I feed her cereal..

Then walk back n had icecream at the new shopping mall..

Went to compasspoint after tat..

Monday 22 July 2013

Chloe first bday bash 7july2013

Give her a bday party on 7july13. We had lots of fun.. n out neighbors dave help we took so many nice pics..

Roy first swim lesson 21july13

Was worry he will keep climb off the pool. N dun wanna follow the coach instructions. Etc..  But he surprise me.. he obey n behave so well.. well done darling..

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Our 6th wedding anniversary. .a peaceful sunday

Pass almost a week le.. I forget how we pass tat day liao.. with kids ard.. every day pass so fast. .

Rmb morn I still bath chloe.. boys do their homework.. then bring chloe over to mil side..

We went katong shopping centre eat chix rice.. seng ordered a lot of stuff.. he say we celebrate with chix rice.. hee..

The buy some grocery there.. n head yo parkway parade.. shop shop.. went nearby hawker for ice kachan .. not nice at all.. then we shop at giant..

Kids slept in car . Went back home....

Can't recall wat happen after tat.. tats how life pass no matter how impt tat day can b.. learn to treasure each n everyday..
Love everyone beside me..  big hugzz!!