Wednesday 31 July 2013

Shawn n chloe visit dr choi on 30jul13

Shawn has been complainin eye pain n rub his eye til sore red.. keep us worry.. hence we decided to bring him to the doc.. together with our lil princess chloe .. she got a lump at the inner corner of her rite eye.. been there for few days liao..

Turn out.. shawn got this allergy eye n nose.. he on n off got blood flow from his nose.. or blood clot struck there.. all link.. hence he has the eye problem.. poor boys.. didnt knoe he suffer for so long.. always like breathing so heavily during sleep at nite..

N chloe got zhen yen.. need to put eye drop n takr antibiotic.. doc worry it turn to have 'long'.. so better let her start antibiotics. .. hope it will gone by 1wk time.. else need go back c him again..

Like tat two child visit doc cost me $100+ liao... tats y ppl keep saying have so many kids.. must b rich.. else how to survive. .. if I nvr save for these rainy days.. then how ah.. need to beg to let kid c doc liao lo.. jus like during my time.. dad only give mum $5 per wk... how to get $100 to c doc suddenly...

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