Sunday 25 August 2013

24Aug2013 shawn first touch on piano

Had arrange for a trial lessons for him with Jo tee at gouging blk 528. I tot is was a shop studio. But turn up to b a 3rm hdb.. it was well reno inside. With her teaching studio well equipped. 

Shawn enjoy the lesson with her. N he wanna learn from her. Our only concerned is the $$$. Her charges is way above average. At $200 per mth.. whereas christorfi only abt $290 per term.which is 3mth.

Brought him to christorfri on Sunday.  After his swimming lesson. He saw a male teacher teaching.  I guess tat teacher stern look frighten him. He say he dun wana learn there. Wanna go to teacher Jo.

So how?  Sld I or not let him go Jo tee there..  or trial a mth at christorfri first???

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