Wednesday 30 December 2020

Roy is 11 yrs old

Pictures tell everything. Since is a catch up posting. I can only try my best to recall. 

Went vivo for games. He wanted to eat his favourite ice cream there. “Good food coffee and bakery” but it had close down. Sad for him. So we end up at Ben & Jerry. 

Can’t decide where for dinner. End up steamboat at home. He is still our sweet nice boy who would never ask for more. 

Hope he will grow up healthy n strong. Able to manage himself better in words n action. 

Monday 1 June 2020

Home based learning >>> circuits breaker

This year is special.. to the whole world. All due the start of Wuhan vrius then rename as covid19

I started work from home partially since mid mar.. til completely work from home from Apr.. n MOE first try on home base learning on 1Apr.

Then follow by sudden outbreak found in foreign dormitory... n start of circuit breaker when school go on 100% home base learning from 8Apr onward.. I got a shock when I check my kids work on the first week end then I notice they are not following the online learning schedule closely. Lots of outstanding work incomplete. 

So the following week, I track their work closely Everyday. N that’s stressful when I still need to do my work.. n plan for they lunch n dinner. It’s never a breeze working at home. Til...

I notice.. I have never been so close n stick daily n every hour n min with the kids even since they were born. It was only during the maternity period which I only took 2 mths break with each of them. That was the longest I think. So this time was a bless to us. I tell myself once it’s over, we won’t have such Long together time again. Everyone is busy earning a living. Achieving their goal and we always tot we have all the time n put family time on hold. 

Everyday we still scream and shout at each other. Cane still. Lol 😂 but I believe that’s part of the memories which we won’t forget. 

Today we have enter the phase 1 after the circuit breaker where kids start going back to school. Shawn n Roy need to go back today. While Chloe will do her HBL at home. We continue to work from home. I do hope work from home will become a norm in future. After all, we really gain more family time w kids as we work from home. Save on the travel time can let us send them to school in a slower pace. We won’t need to push them into sch in order to rush to work. We can have them come back home and save on student care fee as well. I hope we will be given option to work from home after this pandemic. 

Chloe miss her 小哥 I oso miss my boys. Wondering how are they doing in school. Warn them to take precautions on all the touch n wash hand , wear mask etc.. 

Once this is over, we wana go holiday again. Look forward to that soon.

Stay safe boys!!!

Tuesday 25 February 2020

CA1 2020 preparing the kids

As usual it’s the exam period and I am always so stress out needing to prepare the two boys for their upcoming CA. And as usual limited help given by the daddy. I am always so stress off to balance between the two of them. While focus on revising with one n the other wait until he fall asleep. No forgetting Chloe still have spelling this week in school and at her tuition class. I have so much I want to do and go through with them. If only I have more time with each of them... and someone can just give a hand to support... 

Friday 17 January 2020

2020 Roy first detention for two days

Happen on 9 and 10 jan.

Case: happen on 7 or 8 Jan. during PE lesson he lay on the floor n realise his leg. He hurt a girl two time. Once in the head while another on the lip.

He was being kept in the GO for two days. For day one, he was so frustrated when he reach student care n start tearing up all the worksheets. Had meltdown n was venting his anger on table n chairs

Day two he was better in managing his work n we assure him it’s ok to complete whatever work he can n leave some for wkend.

Thursday 16 January 2020

2020 Jan Roy kana 3rd detention

Again my Roy will be put under detention due to his impulsive behaviour. 

Case: while he was walking down stair to GO which he request to go there to rest cos he wasn’t feeling well. The prefect infront of him turn ard and ask him stop stalking him and took down his name. N immediately, Roy slap him. According to Roy the slap was a gentle brush against his face. 

Sch: negative action need negative consequences. Hence instead of corrective work, the discipline team decided to get him to do detention during school hours. 7.30-1.30.

My view: I tried very hard to bring my view across. True that consequences is required but what is the objective to this? Isn’t it to make him reflect n not to do the same mistake again? And after so many detention he had done over the year, does it work for him? School know it is not working for him yet cos rule is rule hence they need to go ahead with it. I told them, please go ahead but do Ensure whatever lesson or work he miss out, teacher need to be help him catch up. 

Lvl hod told me, the school had done all ways to help Roy. So does it mean they are helpless as well now?

I just can’t accept it that he keep on going thro such useless detention. They told me reflection is impt.. but does it really helps to bring down his impulsiveness? 

I am going to bring this question up to the psychologist in our next visit. 

Sunday 5 January 2020

Mother 63 bday

Ah di jio is to eat at the poison ivy and walk the garden there. We also went to the goat farm .. settle dinner at kovan.. mookata

Thursday 2 January 2020


2020 I forgot to take pic of their first day school hence catch w the second day to Sch. Shawn P6 Roy P5 Chloe P2

Wednesday 1 January 2020

22-28 Dec 2019 Holiday to Genting>KL Day6+7

Day 6 relax free n easy 

Wake everyone up to get ready at 9am.. meeting Abrial at 10am at fish beehoon

Had a good chat with her.. 

then we went back out the cookies before head to eCurve for movie at 12

Abrial buy us movie while we buy them bf $150

She left after the show while we continue a round of games

It was so cheap here for games..

Then we went ice skate at 38rm each for whole day n glove at 9rm each 

At first only the kids played but becos Chloe fall, the daddy still cannot bare to leave the little girl by herself. So he join in.. best daddy

Took grab to satay warisan for dinner.. wasn’t very nice but still worth trying.. $80

Slow walk back then we decide to wash the dirty laundry before we head back tomorrow.. 

just 6 rm for 13 kg wash  n 6rm for 18 kg dry.. too cheap to miss

Just us at starbuck whole waiting for the laundry .. kids playing their games in room...

Day 7 home sweet home

We are going home today.. bit sad.. but no where is more comfortable then home rite

Wake up at 7.30 n got off bed at 8.. dear oso wake up early.. mayb he oso feel sad as holiday coming to end soon.. 

Get ourself ready then wake kids up to get change.. watching nanny McPhee..

Check out at 10.30am.. got back our 100 deposit.. n complimentary carpark.. 

First we head to get our kuay.. 

I bought 4 boxes of 4 favour PCs to eat on the spot.. Roy wana buy more but we refused.. 

Move on to first stop for A&W lunch break

Pump petrol $91.66.. 

 Long drive on AH2 now... 2.16pm

Second break at R&R Pagoh Selatan for toliet break

Then carry on to find Restoran Uncle Pou Wok.. but we went to Bukit Indah mistaken .. 

Then do some marketing at Tesco Bukit Indah for ice cream yacult n tibits... they buy water bottle from MR DIY..

Then last petrol pump at shell nearby .. then clear custom.. rather fast.. within 30min 

Went ard to give the kueh first before we go home sort things n rest.. 

End of our holiday for now..