Thursday 16 January 2020

2020 Jan Roy kana 3rd detention

Again my Roy will be put under detention due to his impulsive behaviour. 

Case: while he was walking down stair to GO which he request to go there to rest cos he wasn’t feeling well. The prefect infront of him turn ard and ask him stop stalking him and took down his name. N immediately, Roy slap him. According to Roy the slap was a gentle brush against his face. 

Sch: negative action need negative consequences. Hence instead of corrective work, the discipline team decided to get him to do detention during school hours. 7.30-1.30.

My view: I tried very hard to bring my view across. True that consequences is required but what is the objective to this? Isn’t it to make him reflect n not to do the same mistake again? And after so many detention he had done over the year, does it work for him? School know it is not working for him yet cos rule is rule hence they need to go ahead with it. I told them, please go ahead but do Ensure whatever lesson or work he miss out, teacher need to be help him catch up. 

Lvl hod told me, the school had done all ways to help Roy. So does it mean they are helpless as well now?

I just can’t accept it that he keep on going thro such useless detention. They told me reflection is impt.. but does it really helps to bring down his impulsiveness? 

I am going to bring this question up to the psychologist in our next visit. 

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