Wednesday 13 July 2022

14-18July2022 BKK w Sharon

Our first virgins ladies trip together. Wonder how will it goes. She jio me to go BKK in Jun.. took few days or wks? To decide n confirm. 

We start to surf net do lots of homework and plan our itineraries.. meet up to discuss. Buy stuffs from klook. 

Packing was another difficult task. So much to bring

So today is 14Jul.. the day we looking forward to our holiday. Our plan for the next few days.

Left home ard 12.22pm. When leave carpark, rain. Dear quickly rush home to keep all laundry first while I waited downstair. Had our lunch at Seletar Mall, prawn mee. Left n pick Sharon at 1.20pm.

Didn't manage to complete this blog. Can jus rmb we went Khao yat n shop ard BKK during those period. Full body massage. Shop in Big C. 

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