Saturday 21 April 2007

The Sisters.....

My Bride maid... Ning


I come to know this gal few years back.. when i was workin at the clinic... We jus click on so well rite after.. can chat over anything under the sun... she is forever cheerful.. will nvr show her sadness rite infront of ppl... unless... tat only once... (Ning.. still rmb tat mornin u come to clinic.. cryin.. i will nvr forget tat incident..)

So coincident tat we were actuali from the same secondary school.. ya.. "Bowen Sec" but she was my junior junior lol .. yet we reali got faith to get to know each other elsewhere.. we treasure each other very much.. cos we reali gone thro bit n piece together b4... love n miss our sharing session at the clinic... reali thanks her.. for being rite there to help me to select my gown..rush down after work.. even she is workin off town... she is not only a fren... glad to have to sister like u Ning.. Sister forever k

Task for the day: Assist the bride (tats me..hehe) dress up, touch up,

Next.. Pris

Next buddy... Priscilla Poey... We were from the ITE 8 piglets..haha.. n we were both from the guitar club... we play..perform... reali having fun those days in ITE... n oso..we took up additional module .. "visial basic".. n got to travel to Tampine ITE every fri to attend class... got to rely on each other ...cos we duno the others lol... those r the days..

But it nvr end after we left ITE.. we went to the same Poly... to different class.. but we still get to c each other very often.. jus tat not as close as before le... but we still treasure our friendship... after i left poly.. we do keep in touch at time... i recommended her to my work place.. Far East.. n Once again.. we come under the same accountant... work together le... we seldom go lunch together.. cos i diet la.. but.. we can chat in msn during office hour..haha

after she left FEO.. we only keep in touch once a while le... she reali surprise me when i told her i need help.. not a second word.. she agreed... even on some stuff she wasnt so confident with.. n yet.. she promised .. keep my mind in peace..hahaha...

Task for the day: Door game, MC for the nite

Ah lyn... Feryln








She was the one who took over Priscilla's position @ FEO... We were all wondering.. a ACCA grad.. comin in to join as acc ass... will she b throwin air ard...hahaha... but she nvr... nvr even lol.. she is reali helpful in anytime we need help... very responsible person.. even sick oso come work de... we didn reali click on at first.. cos i shy ma.. haha.. til once we started to go lunch together... n soon.. (she abandon Hwee Choo le...hahaha) ... n we started... chating even office hours... MSN...keke

She reali surprise me.. when suddenly.. she announced... " she is getting Marry"... n recently... again.. she shock me... "She give birth in May"  *** Faint*** hahaha.. but i reali got excited for her... after all.. she is the most stable one among us.. completed ACCA.. got a good prospect job... etc...

Rmb our first oversea outing.. big group of us.. to kelong.. so unforgettable rite... those sunburn..hahah ... thanks for willing to help out gal.. even u wasnt sure ur due... n worry tat my AD might crash with ur maternity... i know u reali want to help de..

Task for the day: Door game, Attend to JP, Prepare for the solmninsation


Sweetie pie... Lishan

Another Feo buddy.. she was from the same ITE as me... other Junior Junior (Guess i m so old ) she joined our group... lost n blur.. til one day... i email her... cant reali rmb wat i wrote.. jus to check tat she is doin fine ba.. cos i understand how it felt to join a company feelin lost..  then after tat email... we started to chat.. (this thro email...kekeke) ... she will email me wat she duno.. n i will try my best to solve her problem... she took over one of my baby... "Poh Hee" tat give us more chance to interact le...hehe... n we become lunch kakis oso le..

Rmb those days we went gym together... (not many time.. cos i left soon after we started to go) then eat fast food after tat...hahaha ... silly us.. wasted.. we can sit at the esplanade... chat n chat... surprise to know tat u bcome Alex's siap zhu zhu..haha..

thanks for sparin time to meet up..even i know u r very busy with ur work... i reali appreciate tat..

Task for the day: Door game, Take care of the photo album, recption

Mei nu... Janice







Another lunch kakis from FEO.. she is Shan classmate.. come into FEO the latest... she is very innocent.. i sld say.. very outspoken gal.. dare enough to express her thkin de... will always rmb she tell us.. she is mei nu... hahaha...

i felt sorry when i happen to know.. tat kelong trip was her first trip to msia... she being to countless countries... but not to msia... n tat trip wasnt very comfortable.. cos we took a mini van there... n all got sunburn..haha.. but i guess it will b an unforgettable experience for her..

Rmb we went for bubbletea at bugis.. we sit there n chat... when i m waitin for BF to come fetch me.. she is so nice to accompany me til he arrive... she is reali a fren to b... glad to have her to b my sister... Thanks gal

Task for the day: Door game, Incharge of the registration, Bring the stationery, Angbao box, Guest book

Youngest sis... Pei Jun

The youngest gal among us.. but dun try to play a fool with her.. shes our majong queen k..hehehe... she is oso Ex FEO staffs... siting far away from me.. know her thro shan... quiet i sld say.. jus take the first move.. she can b chatty... we chat over MSN... not to mention... she is oso KTV queen wo.. she got very nice voice.. She is someone who is fancy over Hello Kitty..

From her.. can reali c how wonder it is being young n pretty... Thanks for the help gal..

Task for the day: Door game, Incharge of the registration, Bring the stationery, Angbao box, Guest book








  1. Aiyoh my dear Claudia, really so 'wu sim' to do those write up on us. Make me so pai seh... hee. oh recently have not been catching up with you regarding your wedding cos have been busy. My apologies. You must be getting more and more anxious right? :p but dun worry i'm sure everything will turn out wonderful. see ya soon ok.

  2. I'm so hapi hapi to be yr pang niang! It's my 1st time wor...hehe! Yeah, u're a precious gift that god given to me in this life. Sis, no matter wat, i'll always stand by u! dun stress out yrself okie...=) U're definitely the happiest & prettiest bride aka best wife aka best housewife aka best mother in future & best 'maid'. Haha!
