Monday 4 August 2008

Shawn first two words

Yty.. 4 Aug 2008 @ 7.45pm… our baby Shawn got so frustrated after a while lying on the bed. So I carry him n sit on my lap.. he was facing my “breast”… (which is his “milk bottle”..haha) he was ‘talking’ n making noise while I was watching the 7pm channel 8 show… (I like tat show very much de… hehehe..) I didn notice wat he wan… til suddenly..

My boy call out .. two loud n clear word… “Nett Nett!!” (mean milk milk ..) both hubby n I was so shock… n we started laughing at him… n quickly I pop him on to drink his ‘nett nett’ le.. kekeke… tats my dearest boy.. nvr tot his first two word is ‘nett nett’ n not pa pa or ma ma… *faint*