Saturday 23 August 2008

Vaccination Day !!

Tdy is our family vaccine day lol... haha.. y ah?? jus read on. . .

Woke up as early as usual day.. Brought Shawn to ICA... Reach at 8am..was so crowded.. Q no. E047



My Prince waiting... gettin impatient le wo..







Waited for abt 30min.. n Shawn got his Passport le.. Yeah!!






After this we went to AMK.. Dear took his Hepatitis B vaccine while Shawn waited n sleeping in the car. Then we had our breakfast at AMK Hawker.. Guai Shawn sat in the stroller.. while we ate.. Then i rmb..Shawn yet poo this mornin.. n check on him.. WoW!! He had Poo so much ah.. quickly change him.. luckly he behave.. didn make noise..

Then we rush down to The Kids Clinic n Shawn had his last 6in1 Vaccine n the Pneumococcal Vaccination..

Waiting again.. for abt an hour.. where shawn had one round of milk n nap...

Shawn was so brave..when PD poke him.. for two time.. he only make a bit noise at the moment when crying..thks to daddy..distracting him..

PD give the green light for Shawn to start on Solid le.. so we went to NTUC to get the rice cereal.. But was too crowded there..end up we got nothing..


Bought Shawn home.. He was a bit fussy.. so let him latch on..n fall aslp..

i quickly bath pepper n dry him..n get ready to bring him out..

Hubby n i brought pepper to the vet for his annual check up n vaccination. His outer fur ard his ear got a bit infection...hence bring back some cream n lotion to apply on him..other then tat..pepper is very healthy .. i check with the doc on sterilising him.. was told tat pepper will get less active if sterilised.. n will end up gainin more weight.. n he will b in pain for at less 2 days.. lying there wont like to move.. surgery will cost us abt $160.. n take abt few hrs...

After discussing with hubby..we decided NOT to do it for pepper.. hubby say pepper will hate me if i sterilise him..(haha!! guess tat guys point of view hor..keke) i oso thk tats a bit cruel lol.. i dun wan pepper to b in pain oso..

Went straight back home after tat.. n shawn was sleepin le.. thk the vacc workin on him liao.. he a bit drownise le.. i was Yao-in him.. he open his eye on off.. but jus nvr wake up wide.. touch him.. temperature still normal.. hope he will b fine.. our brave boy!!

Forgot to note down Shawn development .. He is now 8.75kg n 69cm tall @ 5mth1wk old :) Can flap from tummy to back, Can sit with support, Can stand with support, can 'snake' crawl to get the toys he like (very cute movement), will react to his name called, can move all direction on walker, ... Baby reali grow so much le.. will b startin him on rice cereal tdy (24 Aug 2008) afternoon feed. Decided to start with 100ml bm plus 2 tablespoon cereal first.. Recommended feed sld b 200ml milk plus 4 tablespoon. Jus in case he reject the cereal.. so i tot cut it down by half for first try might b good enough.. to take things slowly..




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