Thursday 30 October 2008

About my little Shawn

Having been updating abt shawn growth. What a bad mummy I m…

-         start on teethin biscuit on 30/10/08. He loves it. But I still find it dangerous for him. Worry he will choke.

-         Daily intake : 1 cereal , 2 porridge, 2 x (100 to 140)ml bottle feed BM & Latching on for all his nite feeding.

-         2 nap per day (late morning + mid afternoon)

-         dun like lying down. Can grab on our hand to sit up or stand up.

-         Loves to jump jump jump.

-         Like to mumble …especially when latch on.. jus like singing..

-         Can ‘ran’ ard in his walker. From room to room.. even open our drawer to explore

-         Got two little tooth pop out.. so cute when he out his mouth..

-         Can flip n roll all direction ah.. from one end of the bed to the other.. so scare he fall off the bed..

-         First visit to Dr Khoo on 22 Oct 2008 due to Fever & flu. Virus infection. Lucky he recover the next day le..

My little one have grow so fast.. Last visit to Dr Khoo, his weight was abt 9kg le. According to PD, he sld hit 10kg by 1YO. Hope he can achieve tat.


To Shawn: Daddy & Mummy love you so much. We might have miss some part of ur growth. But we are glad to know that you r under good care of your grandma. We will spend all our spare time on you. Hope to miss as little as possible. Looking forward to your 1YO birthday party.

Another point of View

Havent been updating my blog for sometime. Being busy with moving office to Bukit Merah centre. I must say its very far from where I stay, but I dun intend to change job yet. Hoping to clear my ACCA first b4 moving on. ( I jus got increment this mth..hehehe!! good news at this bad time now.. )

I m always complainin abt my hubby not helping me to look after Shawn. But these few days, I somehow notice I m wrong. Maybe is true tat he doesn look after him directly, as in feed him, bath him or coax him to slp. But he definitely helps a lot indirectly. Hubby will help to clear all the barang barang after I bath shawn. He will help to bring a cup of water to the room for me at nite. He will always carry shawn stroller, bags etc whenever we go out shopping. He will clean up shawn toys, fix up shawn stuffs etc.. Drove me ard to buy shawn stuffs. Etc etc…  Isnt these all ‘helps’..

I guess I m too much at time. Whenever shawn got cranky, I will get frustrated as well. N throw temper. Poor hubby will need to suffer again. He really put up a lot to me.

To hubby: I m sorry if I reali hurt in any way. I loves you more then ever. Pls dun ever doubt it k. I will learn to control my temper. I promise u J

Sunday 19 October 2008

Genting trip on 18 Oct 2008

Our first time to drive in to genting. Accompany by Hanyi, Winnie & bb Ashton. We all reply on our GPS to our destination n end up we all got LoSt at KL. Two GPS with two different guides to same place.

Our trip:

5am – meet up at Fernvale Pri sch (Bus Stop) Hanyi told hubby the procedures at the custom n how to use the walker talkies..

5.40am – reach custom. A bit jam only. Winnie bring me to get some whitecard.

6.30am – Reach a petrol station at JB liao. Pump petrol. Visit toilet. Took some pic.

7.15am -  On the PLUS highway liao.. n travel at 140-180km/hr (180km max hubby went.. tats the faster he even drove..hehehe)

11am- Reach KL. Goin round n round.. We were Lost

12.30pm – Reach Resort hotel. Check in and change

1pm – Lunch at the market place. We had Ayam Nasi. Then Winnie n I went shopping while Hubby n Hanyi went casino.

2pm – Hubby was on slipper n short.. cant get into casino.. so he come search for us n manage to find us. Bought two per of sock for shawn.

3.30pm – Relax at Starbucks. Chat Chat. Let Shawn drink milk.

4pm – Walk ard.. waiting for 5pm to meet Hanyi. But he end his game early n come to meet use at 4.15pm. Tabao MarryBrown back to Hotel.

5pm – We went back to hotel. Rest n relax. Bath Shawn in the Basin.. hehe.. was so cute.. will upload tat pic soon.

7pm – Hubby went casino with Hanyi while I stay in room with shawn.. Play with him.

8.15pm – Shawn slp le.. Zzzzzz!!!

10.15pm – Hubby is back. Won 60++ringgit.. haha!! He was so happy telling me abt his casino trip.

Day 2

7am – Shawn woke up le.. So we wake hubby up oso.. Play with him on the bed…Wash shawn butt at the basin again..hehe.. then change him.. Took our bath n change..

8.30am – Pack up our stuff n bring to the car first..

9.15am – Meet HWA family for breakfast at the hotel cafĂ©. International buffet breakfast at 15rm each.

10.30am – Took some pic at the lobi.. then went back to hotel room.

11am – we went to check out first. Saw 4 Ferrari n one Lamborghini at the lobi entrance. Bring shawn out to see. Took some pic oso.

11.30am – In our car.. ready to drive back le..

… … …

3.45pm – Q up at the custom. Jam Jam Jam.. Decided not to join HWA to shop at JB. Cos need to rush back to celebrate MIL bday.

4.30pm – out of Custom liao.. Went to tabao Thomson Kampong chicken rice back. N bought a cake from pine garden.

6pm – Home sweet home..

Our first drive in Genting trip with HWA family :)

First station we went after custom

Our first time drive in to genting on 18Oct2008 with Hanyi, Winnie & bb Ashton.. Was a very successful trip other then the 'lost' at KL la.. hehe.. Thanks to the HWA family.. who lead us there.. Hoping for our next trip soon

More pic coming ... ...

New Ofc at Bukit Merah

So far from my home.. Sad!! Moving on 25 Oct 2008..

Shawn's 1st time on the MRT - 12 Oct 2008 (his 7th mth old)

This is the first time shawn took the public transport.. Without Daddy around.. we got to learn to go on public transport :) went IMM with my mum n bro n yeen teen... shawn was so excited tat day.. curious with his surrounding..

Saturday 11 October 2008

'Neh Neh' take II

Shawn callin for 'Neh Neh'

Taken on 7 Oct 08.. after his bath b4 bedtime at nite.. so cute.. daddy n i was busy takin his video.. hahaha... bad mummy,... kekeke.. ignore his cry wo.. only tot of takin video..

A day of surprise for Shawn

@ United Sq

Brought a new toy for shawn tdy at the ToysUs warehse sale,, Thks to Winnie ,, she told me abt the fair... if only i went on the first day... which is Fri... mayb will grab more... hehe..

N i bought over some second hand toys from a mummy thro SMF... quite a good deal i thk.. all at $50 ... wat do u thk? worth??