Thursday 30 October 2008

About my little Shawn

Having been updating abt shawn growth. What a bad mummy I m…

-         start on teethin biscuit on 30/10/08. He loves it. But I still find it dangerous for him. Worry he will choke.

-         Daily intake : 1 cereal , 2 porridge, 2 x (100 to 140)ml bottle feed BM & Latching on for all his nite feeding.

-         2 nap per day (late morning + mid afternoon)

-         dun like lying down. Can grab on our hand to sit up or stand up.

-         Loves to jump jump jump.

-         Like to mumble …especially when latch on.. jus like singing..

-         Can ‘ran’ ard in his walker. From room to room.. even open our drawer to explore

-         Got two little tooth pop out.. so cute when he out his mouth..

-         Can flip n roll all direction ah.. from one end of the bed to the other.. so scare he fall off the bed..

-         First visit to Dr Khoo on 22 Oct 2008 due to Fever & flu. Virus infection. Lucky he recover the next day le..

My little one have grow so fast.. Last visit to Dr Khoo, his weight was abt 9kg le. According to PD, he sld hit 10kg by 1YO. Hope he can achieve tat.


To Shawn: Daddy & Mummy love you so much. We might have miss some part of ur growth. But we are glad to know that you r under good care of your grandma. We will spend all our spare time on you. Hope to miss as little as possible. Looking forward to your 1YO birthday party.


  1. hee~ shawn is a little singer! :)

  2. so happy for you... and personally, i think you have been a great mummy.
