Sunday 30 November 2008

Latest Update... After so long

I notice i haven been updating my blog for so long le...

I on long long leave now.. preparing for my exam.. (YA YA.. i know i should b revising now... jus let me take a break)... will b back to work on 15dec... n go on leave again on 22dec for a week.. jus to clear off my 3rd mth of maternity leave...

first time i bring shawn out for a walk at compasspoint on 23Nov2008... took the LRT there... after he finish his porridge at home.. shop there n wait for daddy to come n meet us..

 Pic taken at the Fernvale LRT.. my good boy sitting on his stroller.. lookin around... Bought him a potty from kiddy palace.. hope to train him to poo in the potty soon..

start my revision on 24Nov2008... hide myself in my room everyday from shawn to study... but i still on off went out to play with him.. (relax la!!!)

I m trying to do some online sale now.. start off with the Gel sticker ... but wasnt as smooth as i tot it will b.. lots of OOS items.. make me sort like mad... lucky the supplier is very Onz... willing to help me out.. hope to close the deal soon...

Manage to took a pic of my darling..with his little two tooths.. keke.. so cute.. upper teeth is oso out le.. but to take pic of it ah.. will try some other days.. taken on 26Nov2008

29Nov2008 - a busy day for us.. woke up early in the morning.. prepare cereal for shawn.. bath him.. then let him sleep for a while.. then i cook his porridge..

he woke up at 11.15am.. play a while.. then give him his porridge.. he ate almost a bowl of porridge... dun wan to give him anymore.. was scare tat he got stomache if over feed...

bring him to occ to check in ... i book a room to celebrate my brother's gf..yeen teen birthday.. its her 21st bday.. then after check in.. we got to rush down to ashton 1st bday bash..(refer to my photo album.. :) everything was ok..except..ashton was a bit tired and wasnt enjoying himself..

I start to discuss with hubby how we are going to celebrate shawn's 1st bday... we got some idea in mind le... (But its a secret!! ho ho ho) .. hubby oso agreed to my suggestion.. so we plan to down by tat place one of these days to take a look... i must start sourcing for his party deco le.. YEaH!! i m so excited...

After that.. we got to go back my place to pick up my mum.. n went to buy some stuffs for steamboat... (YES!! we had steamboat inside the OCC resort.. Opos!!) reach occ at 6.30pm.. prepare the steamboat.. then Hubby, mother, Shawn n i went to the restaurant to had our dinner.. jus to use up the vouchers given.. dinner was yuckee!! hubby swear n curse.. hahah..

We go ard occ to take some pic...

My mum n Shawn.. so curious baby...

The birthday girl... 21st bday.. (when was my... so long ago...) Hope she enjoy her stay there... "Happy Birthday sweetie"

Stay til ard 10plus.. Hubby love steamboat.. eating none stop .. haha.. tat how his size come from ah.. shawn was so tired le.. n fall aslp on the bed.. woke up while i was bath.. quickly stop hubby from eating.. n send mum home..

Reach home at 11pm le.. So tired...

30Nov2008 - went to meet sharon to collect some of my samples she helps me to bring back from Shanghai.. she is very helpful.. wat a wonder fren i have.. then... went back home to get hubby stuff.. he wants to go occ to swim...

reach occ at 10.30.. he swim til 11.30.. then we check out of the room.. 1 nite stay cost me $265+.. including 3dinner n 3 breakfast.. i thk quite worth la.. cos every one enjoy it.. all the laughter make it worthwhile...

went yishun centre for lunch.. then send them back yishun ..n go back home to rest.. ya.. hubby rest.. while i look after shawn...

Bring shawn back to yishun at 5pm.. mum cook porridge for him.. n he loves it.. while i sort out the sample n my stock.. i bought some shoe charms.. n hp casing.. all of us have a laughin time ..tryin to sort out the charms.. n select their piece for their casing.. very interesting casing.. will b bring in to sell soon...

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