Wednesday 3 December 2008

My Little BaBy Shawn is sick!!!

This is the second time he caught with virus inflection.. wonder where the virus come from.. PD say.. mayb we adult bring it back from outside n pass to him.. Hai.. Must b i m too careless.. didn clean his toy properly ba..

2dec08 - Weather was so hot.. MIL told me.. shawn body feel hot.. i tot weather so hot.. tat must b y he oso feeling hot ba.. so i told mil..dun worry.. must b the the evening.. MIL again tell me.. something is wrong.. Shawn has running nose.. n he is not sweating.. no tat usual.. sweaty smell.. i measure his temperature.. is at 37.8... so i give him a parcentamol syrup.. thinkg syrup not so strong.. wonder b better to start with tat first.. at around 12midnite.. i measure him again.. 38.2 le.. quickly give him another dose.. he didn sleep well tat nite.. so do hubby n i.. got to keep sponge him... make sure his temperature dun shot up..

3dec08 - we decided to bring him to see Dr Lillian Lim.. (despite the tot of mayb is teething).. we just want to make sure he will recover fast.. lucky we bring him to doc.. is another round of vrius inflection.. (1.5mth after the last inflection) ... doc say..any fever above 38 degree is definitely not teething le.. shawn got throat inflammation.. running nose.. fever medicine..

Let him took his first dose at 10am.. he refuse to eat cereal.. jus give him some milk then let him take his nap le.. afternoon.. he was bit fussy... lucky i m on leave.. i latch him on to smooth en him.. tats the wonder of latching... he can calm down immediately...

by evening time.. he is almost ok le.. but we still give him another round of medicine.. hoping the fever dun come back again..

he is back to himself le..cruising ard the cot.. talk in his own baby language... even can scold my pepper.. haha.. (cos pepper bark at stranger outside.. n tat frighten him.. n he cried.. when we put him down at the cot.. he can look at pepper n di di ta ta de.. like scolding him.. )

Today.. everything is back to normal le.. he taken him morning cereal.. bath.. taking nap now.. hope fever dun come back any more...


  1. Happy to hear that Shawn is getting better. Take care yrself also, exam coming soon, Good Luck!

  2. Thank Q.. i reali need lots of luck to pass ba.. hai

  3. has his fever subside? my boy oso see saw fever for 3-4 days last weekend. super tiring for us too. after fever broke into rash. thik prob fake measle :) yeah... hate fever too.. haha~

  4. hes ok le.. still very active even having fever.. so not so worry.. now he is cruising in his cot again... n wana bite the wood lol..

  5. tat is good to hear, tat he is fully recovered..

    fever is scary
