Sunday 25 July 2010

Shawn ah ... shawn!!!

My shawn recently behave very differently.. he dun like to go sch.. ask him y.. ask him teacher scold him.. or beat him.. he say NO.. ask him fren bully him.. he say fren beat him... i wonder.. is it???

so i call up the teacher today.. ask anything happen.. she say.. lately.. shawn n this boy at sch.. got conflict.. whahaha (so young can conflict liao ah)... cos they keep fight for toys.. it happen again this mornin.. n they start hiting each other... is alway fighting for toys or chair...

And theres a new teacher to their group.. so i guess tat y he dun like sch..

teacher oso say he seek for attention.. keep wana teacher carry him.. jus like at home

shawn keep wan me carry him..sit on my lap.. he wan slp with daddy everynite.. n wake up mid of nite n cry for me.. he wan me to feed him n shower him.. refuse to let nai nai do it.. poo oso wan ma ma help him..

i thk is stage of growth ba.. i know he still loves di di.. when di di Roy cry.. he will rush to him.. sayang him n ask him y y y.. so cute

he is toliet train in the day le.. i jus bought him his underwear last thur.. he know tat as shorts panter.. haha.. keep telling pa wear shortpanter.. ma ma wear shortpanter.. nai nai wear shortpanter etc etc...

i jus notice he can sing hokkhien song.. especially tat "wo wen tian" ... mayb is tat 7pm song on wkend .. he learn from there ba..

n i try readin him chinese story books.. but he will discuss with me the story in english.. at least i know he understand chinese.. n he understand hokkhien.. when daddy say bring him to school in hokkhien.. he shout back at daddy NO.. n say "dun wan go school"

this boy reali can shock us ... hope he get over this stage n can go school happily soon...



  1. OMG, same as my boy!! singapore that weekend 7pm hokkien song!! Now lagi jialut. every day have leow.

  2. haha.. heng my mil like channel U show.. so wont watch channel 8... so still ok.. but daddy play tat song in the car.. shawn will sing along..
