Tuesday 24 August 2010

21 Aug 2010

Busy sat... early mornin i wake up.. bath pepper.. hubby prepare shawn to school...

then we bring pepper to vet for his annual vaccine.. wait for abt an hr...Vet said pepper loss weight.. so ask us to double his food intake.. n check tat he gain weight after 2wks.. or else must bring him back for blood test le.. n his tooth is dirty.. so got him a solution to put into his drinkin water with ezymze which can help to clean up his teeths.. good news is.. he ear is very clean.. hee..

brought him back liao.. got to send my bike to inspection.. so we ride to vecom at sin ming.. get it passed liao.. went lunch at nearby..

reach home at 1pm.. i took a nap while hubby went to bring shawn back at 1.30pm...

Went back to my mum place at 4pm... had our dinner there

I Completed my ACCA

At last.. i complete my acca.. am ACCA Affiliate now..

Receive my result yty.. at 12nn.. result was inside my email.. by one click i will know my result.. but i got no courage to check.. so Hubby suggest we have our buffet lunch first.. after that then we check..

We had our lunch buffet at ShaBu-Shi..AMKhub.. after tat.. i still dun have the courage to c my result.. so scare its another failure..

Reach home.. i ask hubby to sit beside me.. i hug on Roy.. hold on the HP.. Hubby click on it.. The email open up.. so small.. i tot was fail... Hubby look closer.. "pass ah.." i go " har?? zhen de ma?? har?? you bian wo ma?? " enlarge the screen... " Dear wo pass leh... we zhen de pass leh.." n i start crying... hug my hubby... hug my Roy.. cry til Roy stare at me...

How i felt at tat moment??? - at last.. my years of hardwork.. Its Over.. this is the most tough cert i even did... cos i take part time.. those evening after work.. i need to rush to attend classes... when i was preg.. how i go exam with shawn n roy in me.. how i go lesson liao.. return home still need to put my babies to bed.. i guess only being thro it.. then u will understand how difficult it is..

I must THANKS my mother in law.. reali very very glad to have her ard to help me.. without her help.. i will NVR complete my study... her understanding.. her kindness... nothing can compare..

And oso my hubby.. he is alway so encouraging.. he is the one who push me thro.. else i might have give up along the way...

Not forgetting my babies blessing... my mummy nice cook.. hee...

And ofcos.. my frens.. who keep reminding me.. I CAN DO it!!! especially.. Doris.. (Da Jie).. Shiling .. Isabel.. etc etc Thanks!!!

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Roy on 9Aug2010

Little Roy.. can sit up.. got two tooths.. learnin to crawl.. can recognise ma ma..pa pa ..kor kor etc.. loves to watch kor kor jump/dance/sing... can do high5.. can bang on the piano.. walk n chase kor kor in his walker.. know to go to door for gai gai.. laugh when pepper bark.. learnin to wavy bye.. can make noise as ba ba mum mum mum...

On breakfast cereal n porridge lunch daily.. dun like much milk.. abt 400ml daily only..

1st time swimming - Roy + Shawn

@ Yishun pool.. My brother together with seng.. we bring the little boys to swim.. b4 the 7th mth starts.. hee

7Aug2010 to the Henderson Bridge..

Had our bf at jalan besar.. then last min decide to bring my ah lao n shawn there..

Sunday 8 August 2010

Sat & sun 6-7 aug 2010

Shawn didn go to Sch on sat.. We decided to bring him along.. Went ah boy shop to get parts for my helmat.. Then had bf cum lunch at the coffeeshop nearby.. Then I decided to bring my Seng n Shawn to Kent bridge.. Which they nvr been...

Seng insist need the stroller to push Shawn up to the bridge.. So I ask him to push.. Whahaha.. But indict.. The slope is to stip for Shawn to walk up n down la.. Is he fall.. He may roll all the way down the slope.. Even on the bridge.. Kaisi daddy oso insist me holdin on to him.. Say he cannot ran abt etc.. I jus let him go.. Hahaha .. He was so happily climbing on the seats.. Walkin abt.. He wan me to carry him to look out.. But tat daddy was so stern n insist.. Dun go near the edge.. Tats how kaisi he is..

We jus go round the hill then went home le..

Sun .. I decided to bring the boys to swim.. B4 the 7th mth comes.. Bein a kaisi mummy.. I dun let them go to pool in the 7th mth.. Hee.. N I was surprise to c Roy loves the water.. No cryin like Shawn's 1st time.. N Shawn was ok this time... He saw di di go into water without cryin.. He oso sit in his doranmo boat n start walkin abt the pool.. Playin water battle with daddy n jiu jiu..

I bath the little one while daddy bath Shawn .. Then adult all head back home to bath ..