Tuesday 24 August 2010

I Completed my ACCA

At last.. i complete my acca.. am ACCA Affiliate now..

Receive my result yty.. at 12nn.. result was inside my email.. by one click i will know my result.. but i got no courage to check.. so Hubby suggest we have our buffet lunch first.. after that then we check..

We had our lunch buffet at ShaBu-Shi..AMKhub.. after tat.. i still dun have the courage to c my result.. so scare its another failure..

Reach home.. i ask hubby to sit beside me.. i hug on Roy.. hold on the HP.. Hubby click on it.. The email open up.. so small.. i tot was fail... Hubby look closer.. "pass ah.." i go " har?? zhen de ma?? har?? you bian wo ma?? " enlarge the screen... " Dear wo pass leh... we zhen de pass leh.." n i start crying... hug my hubby... hug my Roy.. cry til Roy stare at me...

How i felt at tat moment??? - at last.. my years of hardwork.. Its Over.. this is the most tough cert i even did... cos i take part time.. those evening after work.. i need to rush to attend classes... when i was preg.. how i go exam with shawn n roy in me.. how i go lesson liao.. return home still need to put my babies to bed.. i guess only being thro it.. then u will understand how difficult it is..

I must THANKS my mother in law.. reali very very glad to have her ard to help me.. without her help.. i will NVR complete my study... her understanding.. her kindness... nothing can compare..

And oso my hubby.. he is alway so encouraging.. he is the one who push me thro.. else i might have give up along the way...

Not forgetting my babies blessing... my mummy nice cook.. hee...

And ofcos.. my frens.. who keep reminding me.. I CAN DO it!!! especially.. Doris.. (Da Jie).. Shiling .. Isabel.. etc etc Thanks!!!


  1. Wah piang...I start tearing when "Hubby click on it"... Keke...never thought my name will appear in your blog leh!! :)

  2. Whaha.. Touch leh.. U reali supportive ma.. So must note down

  3. well done, Congratulation! woo reh
