Sunday 8 August 2010

Sat & sun 6-7 aug 2010

Shawn didn go to Sch on sat.. We decided to bring him along.. Went ah boy shop to get parts for my helmat.. Then had bf cum lunch at the coffeeshop nearby.. Then I decided to bring my Seng n Shawn to Kent bridge.. Which they nvr been...

Seng insist need the stroller to push Shawn up to the bridge.. So I ask him to push.. Whahaha.. But indict.. The slope is to stip for Shawn to walk up n down la.. Is he fall.. He may roll all the way down the slope.. Even on the bridge.. Kaisi daddy oso insist me holdin on to him.. Say he cannot ran abt etc.. I jus let him go.. Hahaha .. He was so happily climbing on the seats.. Walkin abt.. He wan me to carry him to look out.. But tat daddy was so stern n insist.. Dun go near the edge.. Tats how kaisi he is..

We jus go round the hill then went home le..

Sun .. I decided to bring the boys to swim.. B4 the 7th mth comes.. Bein a kaisi mummy.. I dun let them go to pool in the 7th mth.. Hee.. N I was surprise to c Roy loves the water.. No cryin like Shawn's 1st time.. N Shawn was ok this time... He saw di di go into water without cryin.. He oso sit in his doranmo boat n start walkin abt the pool.. Playin water battle with daddy n jiu jiu..

I bath the little one while daddy bath Shawn .. Then adult all head back home to bath ..

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