Thursday 27 January 2011


New job new challenge ...

Me: can I get a copy of ya2010 tax copy
FM: u can get it from ur co tax dept.. They r our tax agent ah
Me: it's not within our dept. I can't get it there. Can o get from u
FM: but it's under ur co rite. Next time u sld get from them b4 coming for audit
Me: so is it very difficult to get a copy from u
FM: no.. I jus open the cupboard n take out from the file
Me: then .. U can jus give me...
FM: will give u later

After awhile.. He get the accountant to pass me a copy..

We r all 打工仔.. Y wana make my job more difficult .. Stupid hongkee..

Tuesday 25 January 2011


Now I know how "free" I was last time.. Left my last job on 12jan.. And join this new co on 17jan.. Everything jus happen so fast..

My last day there was jus like any other day.. I was busy tidy up clients' acc to ensure everything backup.. I do felt bit sad.. But feel better when boss dun even prorate my bonus.. So is like I dun owe him Liao lo.. After all he is a nice boss to me.. N leaving when peak coming up.. I guess can b quite difficult to get replacement.. But I reali needs to move on.. The increment I gettin in new job is far too attractive.. Hahahaha

First day.. Orientation for the morning n there I was send to client ofc to start work.. Guess tats the expectation of a senior ba.. Sad.. I was like so lost.. But I will hang on there... Hahaha.. Others can.. I m sure I can do it too.. Like wat ailin told me.. Most difficult stage of time I have gone thro.. Nothing else sld knock me down.. I hope tats true..

Jus hope peak fast pass n I can slow down my steps.. Every day is gone too fast...

Sunday 2 January 2011

PAC day1

After sending Shawn to Sch.. Dear give me a lift to sk mrt.. Took a train to tanjong pagar.. Course at capital tower..

Now at 8.51am.. Sitting here.. Waiting for it to start.. Lots of ppl attending.. Mostly .. I guess abt 30yo n above ba.. Haha.. Sound like all uncle n aunts here lo..

Saw ppl Carry big bags.. Backpack.. So r they goin back to work after this?? After 5pm??? Is tat wat ppl in this line sld b doin.. Common to do ot n ot?? Will I turn out like them soon??

Hope I can pass this n get it over b4 joining new firm.. Pray!!!


Tdy is Roy actual birthday.. He reali turn ONE yr old le.. N tdy is oso my elder brother bday..

Pine garden compensate another cake to us.. Due to tat mistake on Roy party day..

We went to collect the cake at 2pm.. Decided a steamboat dinner at my mum place.. So as to celebrate my bro bday as well...

Went goldenmill to buy tat steamboat n pass some stuffs to Jo..

Meet my mum at yishun mrt.. Went home put down the cake then we went woodland to buy ingredent for tonite feast..

Enjoy out steamboat n cake..

To Roy : we hope u grow up strong n healthy .. Must listen to daddy n mummy n b our good boy.. Love ur kor kor Shawn..

Bye 2010... Halo 2011

The yr jus gone without us knowin.. Haha.. Guess lift being a parent of two are suppose to b like this.. Too busy daily..

In this 2010...
-biggest achievement I have wld b I grad.. Completed my acca.. One big stone of my shoulder..
-my little Roy.. A big present on the last day of 2009.. N in 2010.. The grown I c in him..
-I decides to move on.. Tender my resignation on 17dec2010.. Sad to leave such a gd boss.. But for the future of our kids.. The expected $$ I need for them.. I must go..
-sign up for the PAC.. Course is on jan2011 but I had sign in nov2010.. Hopin I can settle it soon

for 2011, I hope
- adapt to the new workin environment fast n well.. Hope I can manage my time well n balance work n family..
-hope to achieve my CPA title
-hope I can teach Shawn to recoginse a-z.. He need to know tat for his 2012 course.. Haha
-hope we can let Roy join Shawn in Sch when he reach ... Mayb 20mo...
-hope our new nest will b as cosy as now.. Hee.. We look forward to tat..

Lots of changes coming up in this 2011.. I reali hope we can adapt to tat.. New work.. New home.. New environment for the kids..I hope we r capable to reali live n handle the kids ourself.. Without mil ard.. I hope I can.. Plus all the hsework n cooking..