Tuesday 25 January 2011


Now I know how "free" I was last time.. Left my last job on 12jan.. And join this new co on 17jan.. Everything jus happen so fast..

My last day there was jus like any other day.. I was busy tidy up clients' acc to ensure everything backup.. I do felt bit sad.. But feel better when boss dun even prorate my bonus.. So is like I dun owe him Liao lo.. After all he is a nice boss to me.. N leaving when peak coming up.. I guess can b quite difficult to get replacement.. But I reali needs to move on.. The increment I gettin in new job is far too attractive.. Hahahaha

First day.. Orientation for the morning n there I was send to client ofc to start work.. Guess tats the expectation of a senior ba.. Sad.. I was like so lost.. But I will hang on there... Hahaha.. Others can.. I m sure I can do it too.. Like wat ailin told me.. Most difficult stage of time I have gone thro.. Nothing else sld knock me down.. I hope tats true..

Jus hope peak fast pass n I can slow down my steps.. Every day is gone too fast...

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