Friday 25 April 2008

Shawn had his first 6in1 jec

24 Apr 2008 appointment @ 1.45pm, The kids Clinic, PD Lillian Lim @ Rivervale Mall

We were late for the appointment cos hubby took half day.. rush home already 1.15pm le.. reach Rivervale Mall at 1.55pm.. The nurse at the clinic call me to comfirm.

Waited for abt half an hr.. Shawn was crying.. guess he is tired.. wana slp.. hubby n i take turn to carry him.. luckly we did waited too long

Shawn weight was 5kg at 6wk1day old.. height is 57cm le..he reali grow up so much le..

Dr check on Shawn.. his neck is quite strong now le.. he can lift up himself for quite a while le.. i let Shawn take 6in1 jec and the rotavirus 1st dose.. when doc pok Shawn.. he cried.. but jus for a while.. he was so brave.. tats my boy...

i was worry he might have fever after tat.. heng he was doing fine.. jus tat at 6pm onward.. he started to feel slpy.. n cant even finish his milk.. only take 110ml ebm... then he reali go into deep slp.. he did wake up at nite n make those 'er er' noise.. but he jus didn drink much milk.. latch on then jus fall aslp le...

he is doin better tdy le.. at least he do wake up 2 hrly to drink now... time for feedin now le...

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Boring Shawn

When a boring mummy plus to boring baby.. end up a boring video.. hehehe

Fussy Shawn

Babies are not alway CUTE!!! :)

Shawn growing...

Close up of Little Shawn..taken on 22 Apr 2008

Look at how Shawn lift up his head to see mummy.. Taken last nite

Look at how little shawn tryin hard to lift up his head.. n he can turn from left to rite all by himself le.. feel so wonderful to see my little one growing up le.. hope tml visit to PD to take his first jec will not make him cry.. n he wont b fussy n had fever after tat..

Monday 21 April 2008

At last.. give in to Yao Lan le

Shawn is alway fussy in the later mornin n afternoon.. need to carry til he fall aslp.. so.. mil suggest use yao lan.. since she is the care taker in future.. somehow i must agreed.. heard ppl say.. bb slp in yao lan will have difficuilty to slp on bed if he is not at home.. but wat to do.. when u c him sleepin after few 'yao'...

Shawn going to Wai Po hse

Decide to bring shawn to his Wai Po hse.. daddy carry shawn in tat little carrier given by my boss... so cute !!


Wednesday 16 April 2008

My HP is back

Thanks to hubby.. went to collect my hp.. i send my new phone to service on Sun.. jus got it back yty.. n i started to take Shawn pic le.. hehe.. jus cant wait

Full view of Baby Shawn

Baby Shawn on my lap

Shawn sleeping..sweet!!

Shawn has grow so much in jus one mth.. so fast..

Monday 14 April 2008

Shawn sleeping le.. At last ah..

At last shawn fall asleep le.. he is alway so noti in the afternoon n after 9pm everyday.. i can c tat my mil got a bit wori how to handle him after i go back to work..

somehow.. mayb i sld consider givin him a pacifier.. he is using my nipple as pacifier wo.. cant b tat he is hungry after 45min feeding ... he can sleep easily if i put him in the layin down position n bf him.. but i wonder m i doing the rite thing.. will he got use to it n my mil will have a hard time coax him to slp in future???

but when bb start to cry for nothing ah.. reali got no choice n wont thk so much le.. jus pop in n stop him from cry ...

i m having body aching le.. all thks to my prince la.. wana carry n carry... how can i prevent tat when my mil dun corporate with me... bb lay on the bed.. not crying... she still carry him.. say wana bur him..(OMG!!!) wat can i do.. when bb cry.. i got to carry n carry.. cos she 'busy' ma.. hai... will c how she is goin to handle when i go back work lol... jus hope those kpo aunty wont come n give rubbish suggest such as ask me to give up breastfeeding lol... hate tat!!

i wonder y my bb alway hip-up ah?? not tat i didn burp him leh.. is alway when i try so hard to put him to bed then come the hip-up tat wake him up.. n end up i bf him again to stop the him lol..

Saturday 12 April 2008

Shawn Full mth le...

Waited for so long.. at last ..Shawn is one mth old le.. n tat means.. my confinement is OVER le.. hurray!!

Woke up early in the mornin.. hubby left home very early.. say wana go collect cake.. i was a bit not hapi la.. y must go out so early at 7.15am.. when cake can only collect at 8am.. funny rite??

Hubby come back at 8.20am.. i tot tats fast.. n he surprise me with MacDonald big breakfast.. specially for me only... (hehehe!!!) he didn forget.. so glad.. i did mention to him b4 tat after confinement.. i wana eat MacDonald.. n he bought tat for me the first thin in the mornin.. (I LOVE U DEAR)

Shawn was so sleepy tdy.. all guests were waiting for him to wake up... he slept from 12+ to 3+... n everyone got excited by his cry once he woke up.. (hehe..) i was like givin a nursing lesson to the ladies.. changing diaper.. :)

Everyone started to leave from 3+.. i was a bit sian lol.. since event is over soon n tat means i will b back to square 1 soon le.. daily routine feedin n feedin.. n hoping bb to b guai guai de.. eat le.. then slp.. dun cry n cry.. hai

THANK YOU to everyone who turn up tdy to share with us the joy !!! 

Shawn Yap Yong Xian Full Mth Celebration

On 12th Apr 2008, buffet lunch

Thursday 3 April 2008

Shawn @ 3wk old le

Look at my prince..sleeping so sweet.. i think everything is worth it de lol..

Endure for so long.. tot i m strong enough to take all kind of comment.. but i still cry over small issue le..

on 1st Apr 2008.. Shawn wasnt like his usual self.. whole day doesnt wana slp.. i was feeding him almost every hr.. n he only latch on for less then 15min then fall slp le.. but once i put him down.. he wake up n start makin noise le.. i was so tired tat day.. til evenin..

i need to bath le.. no choice but to brin Shawn out of my room.. hoping my mil will automatically come n look after him.. ( reali got lots of complain abt her ah.. hai) the first thing she say was.."bb cant slp if u didn feed him enough" ... if these words are from my mummy ah.. i sure shoot back de.. but cos she is mil.. not to make thing worst.. i kept quiet... quickly bath le.. bring shawn back to room to feed AGAIN...

i sms hubby.. tell him i m upset by her words.. i work so hard to coax bb for the whole day.. yet this 'free' person dare to come out with such comment.. guess she too free le...

at dinner time.. mil carry Shawn..but he still cry n cry.. she ask me usual.. "he wana drink milk le har" ... ignore her.. but tell my hubby.. he jus drunk... when we finish our dinner.. i got frustrated by bb cry le.. in front of mil n hubby.. i raise my voice.. told my hubby " cant u carry him since he keep cryin.. u didn touch him for the whole day .. arent u goin to do somethin" .. guess my mil was shocked.. i saw her staring at me.. who care le..

Hubby bring bb to the room.. but i still hear Shawn cry... i went to the room n saw hubby jus left Shawn on the bed to cry.. i got angry le.. carry shawn..feed him... n start cryin myself le... thk tats when hubby know i m reali tired le.. he quickly come over to hug us.. (bb n me..) tellin me if i m reali tired.. y dun we give FM... but i still insist NO.. i wan the best for Shawn...

i duno whether will i b able to give Shawn BM when i go back to work.. so now..since i can.. i must give him lol...

Thk Shawn demand has increase le ba.. til tdy.. he seem like drinkin more n more freq le... like every hr le.. hope is jus for these few days ba.. else i scare i reali cant handle him le...

Shawn first vacc

Start:     Apr 24, '08 1:00p
@ The Kids Clinic - Rivervale Mall
Dr Lillian Lim

Gynae post natal check up

Start:     Apr 18, '08 6:00p

Shawn full month Buffet

Start:     Apr 12, '08 1:00p
@Fernvale (Inlaw's hse) 1pm-3pm