Monday 14 April 2008

Shawn sleeping le.. At last ah..

At last shawn fall asleep le.. he is alway so noti in the afternoon n after 9pm everyday.. i can c tat my mil got a bit wori how to handle him after i go back to work..

somehow.. mayb i sld consider givin him a pacifier.. he is using my nipple as pacifier wo.. cant b tat he is hungry after 45min feeding ... he can sleep easily if i put him in the layin down position n bf him.. but i wonder m i doing the rite thing.. will he got use to it n my mil will have a hard time coax him to slp in future???

but when bb start to cry for nothing ah.. reali got no choice n wont thk so much le.. jus pop in n stop him from cry ...

i m having body aching le.. all thks to my prince la.. wana carry n carry... how can i prevent tat when my mil dun corporate with me... bb lay on the bed.. not crying... she still carry him.. say wana bur him..(OMG!!!) wat can i do.. when bb cry.. i got to carry n carry.. cos she 'busy' ma.. hai... will c how she is goin to handle when i go back work lol... jus hope those kpo aunty wont come n give rubbish suggest such as ask me to give up breastfeeding lol... hate tat!!

i wonder y my bb alway hip-up ah?? not tat i didn burp him leh.. is alway when i try so hard to put him to bed then come the hip-up tat wake him up.. n end up i bf him again to stop the him lol..


  1. My bb is behaving exactly as wht u hv described. It's so stressful when they can't sleep. Let's hang on.
