Thursday 3 April 2008

Shawn @ 3wk old le

Look at my prince..sleeping so sweet.. i think everything is worth it de lol..

Endure for so long.. tot i m strong enough to take all kind of comment.. but i still cry over small issue le..

on 1st Apr 2008.. Shawn wasnt like his usual self.. whole day doesnt wana slp.. i was feeding him almost every hr.. n he only latch on for less then 15min then fall slp le.. but once i put him down.. he wake up n start makin noise le.. i was so tired tat day.. til evenin..

i need to bath le.. no choice but to brin Shawn out of my room.. hoping my mil will automatically come n look after him.. ( reali got lots of complain abt her ah.. hai) the first thing she say was.."bb cant slp if u didn feed him enough" ... if these words are from my mummy ah.. i sure shoot back de.. but cos she is mil.. not to make thing worst.. i kept quiet... quickly bath le.. bring shawn back to room to feed AGAIN...

i sms hubby.. tell him i m upset by her words.. i work so hard to coax bb for the whole day.. yet this 'free' person dare to come out with such comment.. guess she too free le...

at dinner time.. mil carry Shawn..but he still cry n cry.. she ask me usual.. "he wana drink milk le har" ... ignore her.. but tell my hubby.. he jus drunk... when we finish our dinner.. i got frustrated by bb cry le.. in front of mil n hubby.. i raise my voice.. told my hubby " cant u carry him since he keep cryin.. u didn touch him for the whole day .. arent u goin to do somethin" .. guess my mil was shocked.. i saw her staring at me.. who care le..

Hubby bring bb to the room.. but i still hear Shawn cry... i went to the room n saw hubby jus left Shawn on the bed to cry.. i got angry le.. carry shawn..feed him... n start cryin myself le... thk tats when hubby know i m reali tired le.. he quickly come over to hug us.. (bb n me..) tellin me if i m reali tired.. y dun we give FM... but i still insist NO.. i wan the best for Shawn...

i duno whether will i b able to give Shawn BM when i go back to work.. so now..since i can.. i must give him lol...

Thk Shawn demand has increase le ba.. til tdy.. he seem like drinkin more n more freq le... like every hr le.. hope is jus for these few days ba.. else i scare i reali cant handle him le...


  1. hi... don get sad. the same thing happened to me before and yes, seems like man all go for the easiest way out "FM", but try to relax yourself, scold them if u need to (I did, and find that venting out that anger for just 2 mins does make me feel better) don worry~ and baby's intake does increase more, even if u need to use FM once in awhile (Which I am now, bb is 5 weeks), don feel bad, as long u keep pumping, the supply will be there.

  2. don't be sad. don't get too stress up over bf. its ok to use fm too, as long as you are still bf, i believe the supply will be there. its a demand and supply thing but never stress yourself out over it cos it will cause the supply to go down (heard from friend). take care.

  3. Hi,
    Believe in yrself and ignore those negative remarks. As long as u stay positive, u will be able to bf him with enough supply. Jia you!

  4. Hey sorry cant make it to Shawn's 1 mth celebration... got class that day. Take care of yourself!

  5. Thks ladies.. i will keep my mind clear n keep on goin. i can do it de..
