Friday 25 April 2008

Shawn had his first 6in1 jec

24 Apr 2008 appointment @ 1.45pm, The kids Clinic, PD Lillian Lim @ Rivervale Mall

We were late for the appointment cos hubby took half day.. rush home already 1.15pm le.. reach Rivervale Mall at 1.55pm.. The nurse at the clinic call me to comfirm.

Waited for abt half an hr.. Shawn was crying.. guess he is tired.. wana slp.. hubby n i take turn to carry him.. luckly we did waited too long

Shawn weight was 5kg at 6wk1day old.. height is 57cm le..he reali grow up so much le..

Dr check on Shawn.. his neck is quite strong now le.. he can lift up himself for quite a while le.. i let Shawn take 6in1 jec and the rotavirus 1st dose.. when doc pok Shawn.. he cried.. but jus for a while.. he was so brave.. tats my boy...

i was worry he might have fever after tat.. heng he was doing fine.. jus tat at 6pm onward.. he started to feel slpy.. n cant even finish his milk.. only take 110ml ebm... then he reali go into deep slp.. he did wake up at nite n make those 'er er' noise.. but he jus didn drink much milk.. latch on then jus fall aslp le...

he is doin better tdy le.. at least he do wake up 2 hrly to drink now... time for feedin now le...


  1. hi, juz wanna ask u give any formula milk?

  2. How much is the 6 in 1 jab and the rotavirus jab? Rotavirus need to take how many times?

  3. ada took the same ject as shawn. the day she took the ject, she was very sleepy. keep sleeping and delevop fever at nite. today she still very sleepy. her feeding changes from 4 hrs to 5-6hrs. i even have to wake her up to feed her or esle i think she can sleep thruout.

  4. i m on tbm.. no fm given ..tat y shawn not so chubby lol..

    the 6in1 package cost $440..rotavirus need two dose.. @ $99 each dose..
