Thursday 29 January 2009

Another crazy mummy act

ho ho ho... another crazy act by me.. but supported by photographer...hubby..kekeke

Chu er @ the Zoo

Decided to bring shawn to the Zoo... but it was so crowded.. i guess we have made a wrong decision to go .. shawn dun really enjoy .. weather was so hot.. i feed him rice cereal.. but end up he vomited.. so messy.. my poor thing

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Chu san.. to Sentosa

Last yr..shawn was still in me.. n we went Sentosa flower 2008... this year.. i insist to bring him there again... he can see the flower this yr le..

@ the Ang Bao river

Chu Er.. after going to the Zoo.. we went Er yi hse with my mum.. then to Ang Bao river.. Long outing with shawn outside.. he was so tired le..

Chu Yi

Woke up early in the morning

This is shawn first cny.. wana take as many pic as possible.. but careless mummy.. left my hp at my mummy place.. so miss out a portion of the day.. didn take pic with my hp.. will upload more pic when i got home.. pic taken using daddy hp..hehe..

went bf with daddy to prata shop.. bring shawn to wai po place in the afternoon.. then evening went to hubby Uncle home.. together with inlaws..

Cny Eve..

Had my reunion with my mummy on sat (eve of eve).. On CNY eve.. had lunch cum dinner with hubby at home.. at 4pm.. we eat the first round.. then mil n ah yi n jiu jiu n his family come to eat at 6pm++... n we had our first yu shen...

Shawn new from wai gong

In the lift

My daddy bought shawn this tricycle on 23 Jan 2009. Got it at Bedok centre.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

How u burp a big baby

Still rmb how i burp shawn when he was a little baby.. took a pic of how i burp him now.. hahah.. cute ma???

Monday 12 January 2009

Shawn fall off our bed this morning!!!

My bao bei shawn fall off from the bed this morning!!!

This morning, I was bathing while mil was in the kitchen, suddenly i heard a loud cry from my room. i know something is wrong.. n knew it tat shawn has fall off.. i quickly rush out to see him. Mil carrying him..sitting on the bed le.. with teary eyes..looking at me.. i quickly hug hug him.. Lucky i didn see any "bao" on his head.. according to mil.. he was facing down..butt high up.. trying to get up when she got in.. tat y we duno where did he land on the floor. (face down or back down)

i read so many babies falling off the bed.. so i keep telling myself.. must reali look after shawn..dun wan him to kana.. but.. accident still happen..guess this is part of growing process ba.. wat to do.. human are nvr perfect de rite.. just need to learn from mistake ba..

Keep telling shawn.."its alrite darling.. u grow from falls.. u will grow up faster .. "

Sunday 11 January 2009

Shawn @ 10 months old

Hubby bought a new memory card for me le.. i can start snap snap snap liao

Look at him.. OMG!!! He always show us this face when he throw temper..

I just notice.. i m the one always taking pic of shawn.. end up i have limited pic taken with him .. daddy promise will take more for us..Daddy & Shawn... Alike??

We went to buy a small tin of milk powder for shawn yty.. will start him today with the FM. Hope he will sleep better after drinkin... over the wkend, i did try to give him water when he wake up in the nite.. but he will end up cry even louder.. n i give up after tat n let him latch on then... he start to get a bit sticky these days.. keep calling for neh neh when he see me.. loud n clear ... n once i position him to get ready to latch on.. he will start kicking his leg happily..

I saw a baby boy.. abt 9mth old at amk hawker yty morning.. he can drink thro straw..drink soya bean milk... i was like..WOW.. he is smart.. so i went to NTUC to buy shawn a straw cup.. when i reach home.. i was so anxious to try him on the cup.. quickly went to pump some milk.. n pour into the cup... he start off chewing on the straw.. then suddenly.. he jus started to suck.. n bingo.. he got it le.. i was so happy.. shouting for hubby.. our boy has learn something new le.. yeah!!!

Shawn is ready for his First Chinese New Year le.. Bought these from parkway parade..

Monday 5 January 2009

Time flies.. is 2009

Time flies.. is 2009 le.. my bb shawn will no longer b bb soon.. he will b turnin 1yo in march soon.. starting to miss tat little baby shawn..

Our planning was to get a 1st or 2nd quarter 2010 sec bb.. cos i always tot bb born in 3rd or 4th quarter of the year will always b in disadvantage.. jus like me (DEC).. jus imagine.. baby born in Jan.. might know how to walk by the time dec comes.. n if u r born in dec.. u r jus newborn.. n when time to come.. both bb will goes into same level class.. .. yaya.. i must admit i m more kaisu.. but wat to do.. this it SPORE wo... hahaha.. must plan b4 born le..

BUt But... mayb i sld ignore my silly thinking.. n start trying for 2nd one le.. (jus cross my finger hoping everything will b will b health like shawn) ... will i strike with few try?? hahaha.. if i follow my plan.. i can only start trying in Apr?? til Sep? is it tat easy?

btw i m still on tbf.. my mens have yet return.. can i get preg?? any one know this??

I have lots of ques in mind...

1) Can i start trying while still on breastfeeding? got chance??

2) If i got preg, will my milk flow stop immediately? Or i can still carry on bf shawn?

3) Shawn latch on to sleep everynite. How to wean him off?? he sleeps with me now.. how can i train him to sleep in his cot at the living room now?? He still wake up at nite to latch.. yet to slp thro the nite.. how can i train him to do so..( i miss those days when i can really sleep thro the niteZzzz)

4) If i wana start him on fm..which brand is good? which stage fm sld i buy?? cos i only wana give him fm ..mayb last feed of the day b4 sleep.. so sld i get 1yo fm??

I will definitely miss latching him on.. the way he look at i ticker my back .. how he happily kicking when i was to latch him on everynite.. how we play "ET" everytime..he clap my hand..etcetc..











That how fast bb shawn have grown..  With 7 tooth (ye ye strike 3D with 3434.. cos shawn got 3 upper n 4 lower tooth..tats how ye ye got the no.), know how to wavy byebye, call daddy "da da", scream for us if we are out of his sight, cry for "neh neh", Finger point at pepper, Finger touch with us when we ask for "T T", etc etc

To Shawn: U will b our little baby no matter how much u have grown..We love u more each day. Our precious boy

Thursday 1 January 2009

First day of 2009

Decided to bring shawn n hubby n my mummy to the marina barrage today.. tot will not b so crowded.. i was wrong.. it was very crowded..

This was taken from the barrage.. my darling..

Shawn with tat ballon hat...

After tat we went Xin Wan for dinner, to celebrate my mothers birthday which is on mon. But we will b busy with the flea market this wkend.. so decided to celebrate earlier.

Will bring mummy a cake on monday..