Thursday 1 January 2009

First day of 2009

Decided to bring shawn n hubby n my mummy to the marina barrage today.. tot will not b so crowded.. i was wrong.. it was very crowded..

This was taken from the barrage.. my darling..

Shawn with tat ballon hat...

After tat we went Xin Wan for dinner, to celebrate my mothers birthday which is on mon. But we will b busy with the flea market this wkend.. so decided to celebrate earlier.

Will bring mummy a cake on monday..


  1. shawn is very handsome.. charming eyes

  2. wow shawn is very big oredi & he is very handsome.

  3. thanks ladies :)

    bb reali grow up so fast de... i start to miss my 'little' baby shawn le...

    wana start planing for sec 'little' bb liao.. kekeke

  4. Happy New Year! Shawn still cool but handsome now.

  5. haha.. cool as b4

    Happy New Year to u too :)
