Monday 5 January 2009

Time flies.. is 2009

Time flies.. is 2009 le.. my bb shawn will no longer b bb soon.. he will b turnin 1yo in march soon.. starting to miss tat little baby shawn..

Our planning was to get a 1st or 2nd quarter 2010 sec bb.. cos i always tot bb born in 3rd or 4th quarter of the year will always b in disadvantage.. jus like me (DEC).. jus imagine.. baby born in Jan.. might know how to walk by the time dec comes.. n if u r born in dec.. u r jus newborn.. n when time to come.. both bb will goes into same level class.. .. yaya.. i must admit i m more kaisu.. but wat to do.. this it SPORE wo... hahaha.. must plan b4 born le..

BUt But... mayb i sld ignore my silly thinking.. n start trying for 2nd one le.. (jus cross my finger hoping everything will b will b health like shawn) ... will i strike with few try?? hahaha.. if i follow my plan.. i can only start trying in Apr?? til Sep? is it tat easy?

btw i m still on tbf.. my mens have yet return.. can i get preg?? any one know this??

I have lots of ques in mind...

1) Can i start trying while still on breastfeeding? got chance??

2) If i got preg, will my milk flow stop immediately? Or i can still carry on bf shawn?

3) Shawn latch on to sleep everynite. How to wean him off?? he sleeps with me now.. how can i train him to sleep in his cot at the living room now?? He still wake up at nite to latch.. yet to slp thro the nite.. how can i train him to do so..( i miss those days when i can really sleep thro the niteZzzz)

4) If i wana start him on fm..which brand is good? which stage fm sld i buy?? cos i only wana give him fm ..mayb last feed of the day b4 sleep.. so sld i get 1yo fm??

I will definitely miss latching him on.. the way he look at i ticker my back .. how he happily kicking when i was to latch him on everynite.. how we play "ET" everytime..he clap my hand..etcetc..











That how fast bb shawn have grown..  With 7 tooth (ye ye strike 3D with 3434.. cos shawn got 3 upper n 4 lower tooth..tats how ye ye got the no.), know how to wavy byebye, call daddy "da da", scream for us if we are out of his sight, cry for "neh neh", Finger point at pepper, Finger touch with us when we ask for "T T", etc etc

To Shawn: U will b our little baby no matter how much u have grown..We love u more each day. Our precious boy


  1. very fast hoh, he is coming 1 year old liao. i think you can still be pregnant even on tbf.

    what i did for my boy.
    1. i put yu ze in his cot in his room since 2 months. we monitor him through the baby monitor.
    2. he still wake up for feed around 3-4am, we will wake up to warm milk and feed him. after that, just put him back to sleep.
    3. i give him 1 night feed of fm even though i have enough bm to tbf. so that he won't reject fm due to the taste. his last feed will be fm and usually will last him about 5-6 hours before waking up for milk.

  2. Thank celyn

    But if i jus leave him in the cot will he cry badly.. if so.. my mil will sure attend to him de.. n the cot is in the living room ah.. so hard to train... how leh???

    i intend to start the fm for the night feed soon oso.. scare he reject once i stop bf him lol.. plan to stop when he reach 1yo

    now every nite i still wake up 2-3 time.. but latch him on lying down la.. tryin not to disturb my sleep as much as possible lol..

  3. in the beginning, he is not used to it, he might cry. so you must be mentally prepare go through this stage. what i did in the beginning:
    - put him to sleep, he will eh eh or cry.
    - leave him for 2-3 mins to fuss
    - still not stopping, carry him for about 5 mins
    - repeat the steps again till he really fall asleep.

    its very tiring but after a few days of training, he is fine liao. once in a while, he may fuss again. then i just repeat this loh. now i can just put him down in his cot and walk off even though he haven't sleep. he will fall asleep himself with his pacifier.

    giving fm as last feed will be more filling, then maybe he won't wake up often for night feed.

    maybe you can make changes to his routinue slowly. introduce fm to him first and still let him sleep with you. after a week or so when he is ok with fm, then you move on to shift him to his cot. in this way, he don't have to face 2 changes at 1 go.

  4. i somehow feel tat he will think mummy dun wana slp with him le wo.. like so sad de hor..

    which brand fm u giving yu ze?? any constipation problem ah??

  5. yah but no choice loh. have to keep assuring him in other ways loh. unless you want him to sleep with you permanently. yu ze sleep in his cot for first month then with us for 1 month then i shift him back again. i can actually have more quality sleep without him on our bed.

    he had similac, dumax and now on enfalac. no constipation problem cos only 1 feed mah, the rest are bm. of the 3 brands, similac got the most bubbles and looks oily so its more like bm except got lots of bubbles. dumax is not as oily as similac but also got some bubbles. enfalac also got bubbles but the bubbles will disappear the fastest among the 3. however, enfalac don't have nice smell.

  6. I request for some sample le.. but yet receive.. hope to try out the sample pack first.. else wait buy le.. wait he refuse to drink.

  7. can wan... no menses but still can strike wan LOL.

    waening him off maybe u can start to give him water if he wakes up for milk @ milk. another thing which i used to do is to give FM for last feed. it seems to keep him full through out the nite.

    bf during pregnancy is possible. but latching will be a bit tough... esp when u are heavily pregnant.

    for FM.. i have tried matt on all the brands available. personally i dun see any difference for matt. nan is sweeter i feel. didnt really feed him too much of tat as i didnt wan him to have a preferance for sweet stuff, if not will be tough to get him to eat more bland stuff. similac has a very strong taste. s26 has a fishy smell. friso, mamil gold, enfapro taste better.. hahha tats according to my hubby hor. coz he will finish up wat matt cant finish. LOL. save money ma.

    btw, shawn's features is v define since june. haha so cute.

  8. so fast he is 1yr old liao, i still remember 1st time i add u here is ur wedding event same as mine haha ..

    i also start give seline FM since 1mth old altgh i have enuf BM, just store in freeze the exceed 1 loh.. but huh i got menses ler even heavy flow *weird*

    jas.. nan is sweeter huh i nvr try ler seline drink nan1 at the moment

  9. jane ya lor.. nan is sweeter la. hahahha hao he leh actually. but just worried tat after tat he dun wanna the bland solids lah.. so tat time i finished the samples then stop liao. LOL.

  10. Jas.. i try water le.. first try.. when i feed him in the nite.. he open his eye wide n turn ard to look at me.. as if telling me "u tot i su ku meh.. cant tell is water ah.." hahaha.. very cute expression de..

    jane.. ya.. i oso rmb we had our wedding same grassroot club rite.. time flies hor..

    is it tat better milk powder will cos more x de ah?? can i select base on its pricing??
