Monday 12 January 2009

Shawn fall off our bed this morning!!!

My bao bei shawn fall off from the bed this morning!!!

This morning, I was bathing while mil was in the kitchen, suddenly i heard a loud cry from my room. i know something is wrong.. n knew it tat shawn has fall off.. i quickly rush out to see him. Mil carrying him..sitting on the bed le.. with teary eyes..looking at me.. i quickly hug hug him.. Lucky i didn see any "bao" on his head.. according to mil.. he was facing down..butt high up.. trying to get up when she got in.. tat y we duno where did he land on the floor. (face down or back down)

i read so many babies falling off the bed.. so i keep telling myself.. must reali look after shawn..dun wan him to kana.. but.. accident still happen..guess this is part of growing process ba.. wat to do.. human are nvr perfect de rite.. just need to learn from mistake ba..

Keep telling shawn.."its alrite darling.. u grow from falls.. u will grow up faster .. "


  1. sor sor his head. ke lian chong.

  2. i use jarba to rub le.. tot his forehead got bao..rub le.. look again.. like dun have wo.. duno where he knock on.. check his whole head..rub here n there.. he got no pain reaction de..

    mayb he fall on his hand?? i move his hand.. he tot i playing with him wo..

  3. hahah my ah boy kok his head i oso cannot find baluku. so bo chup lor. lol

  4. no baluku can le.. ke lian shawn...
    my son also did stunts this afternoon.

  5. Hi, My baby fall from the bed before. I guess it hurts the parents more to see their babies getting hurt than the baby feeling the pain ordeal. *Hugs* to baby Shawn.

  6. Aven also fall from my bed b4, also facing down.

  7. for shawn.. i didn even know he is face down fall or not.. cos he was tryin to get up when we reach him le..

    did stunts?? haha.. shawn oso good in surpising us.. can climb up the basket in his cot.. n reach for items on top of the cupboard beside.. frighten me off lol..

    Thanks erica.. ya.. reali hurt me more.. see his teary eyes.. i oso wana cry le..

  8. Hi Claudi,
    sayang to Shawn. My boy oso fell off from bed & even high chair. Juz monitor him for 48hrs for vomitting & whether if he is letagic or not. If yes, must bring him 2 see doc. Dun worry, i think he is ok. :)
    I can understand how u feel. That time when my boy fell, my heart almost stopped. So heartpain, cos near his eyes was blue black.
