Sunday 29 March 2009

26 Apr 2009.. I was on leave

Mil need to go pray this morning.. hence I took leave to stay at home to look after shawn.. not easy to b a SAHM…


Hubby need to drive pil n his uncle aunty ard to cemetery.. so bring up the carseat back home.. when shawn woke up.. he was surprise to see the seat at home.. keep crawl up the seat n sit there... y ah???

Let him play his toy after breakfast..nestle honey cereal..

Brought him to Sembawang Shopping centre.. the playground upstair.. very interesting..

My chucky boy...

Shawn falling off... "Help!! daddy..."

The water playground which shawn give it a miss.. it rainning ah.. n is getting later le..

We will come back for tat... tats for sure :)

Shawn 1st time … @ growing up gifted (GUG)

So much to note down… was telling yue jiao the other day tat I wana bring Shawn to TheGym.. for him to play there.. she recommended tat I sld bring him to GUG instead.. she sends her two kids to GUG n find tat interesting n really benefit her kids..


So I check out the website.. n happen to chat with winnie over sms.. n come to know Ashton is goin for his trial oso… so I thk I sld oso give it a try.. I call up GUG on wed.. tot thur I was o leave.. so mayb can bring him there.. but too bad.. no class on thur for shawn to join.. I left our name with them..


Fri.. I got a miss call.. I return the call n was GUG.. informing me sat n sun got 2 sessions available for trial.. ask whether m I interested… I quickly call hubby.. he was excited as well..n suggested to take sat 11.45 session..


Sat 28 March 2009

We woke up at 8am.. prepare cereal for shawn.. while mil bath him.. hubby n I went out for bf at Jalan Kayu.. come back at 10am.. Shawn was sleeping.. I pack shawn stuffs..(water, bottles, milk, diaper, extra clothing, rice cereal for lunch..etc) .. shawn woke up at 10.30am.. change him.. make a bottle of 120ml milk for him to drink in the car… got out of home at 10.45am..


Hubby decided to go by KPE to avoid the possible jam at CTE.. we reach Suntec at 11.25am.. do the registration at 11.30am.. we r going into room 2… waited a while outside..


hubby was allow inside the room for the first 10min.. shawn hold on to 2 ball the moment he got into the room.. Til the teachers say…’toys away…” they bring two big baskets for the children to keep the toys… I took away the 2 balls shawn holding.. He started to yell n point at the basket... teacher keep it to one side.. n tell us to sit on the mat.. shawn got up n keep wana walk to get the ball.. I need to catch hold of him to grab him back to the mat few time.. til the music starts.. teacher sing.. claps.. he starts to nob his head n clap…


they play music, sing, play ‘fishing’ game, read story book, use pauper, teach simple words (seven, mirror, monkey, mouse etc), teach ABC in very interesting way.. last 15min in the music room.. shawn like the bubble song …


Hubby view the session out the door.. he oso thk shawn enjoy it.. after some discussion with hubby.. we thk shall let him go have fun ba.. will sign up a term to see how shawn adapt to it.. I believe he will love it :)

Sunday 22 March 2009

P1000032 new.flv

Shawn 15mth old jab

Start:     Jun 13, '09 12:00p

PD Visit @ 1yo on 21 Mar 2009

Tdy Shawn has an appointment with Dr Lillian Lim at 11am....

We reach at 10.45am.. waited til 11.15am..

Shawn had his peunoc last jab n chicken pox jab... sign up the package for chicken pox jab + 15mth old jab + 18 mth old jab.. cost $310.. plus the peuno jab take tdy.. total..we spend $499... He is 10.4kg n 75cm tall now.. is like not much growth from the last access leh.. esp the height..

Shawn was very guai.. he got the first chicken pox jab.. make no noise.. he jus turn ard to see who poke him.. but the sec peuno jab.. was slightly more painful.. he WAH.. one sound.. then was distracted by the toy my hubby was holdin on to.. PD change shawn cough/flu & phlem medicine.. hope he can recover fully soon..

he miss his morning nap.. was so slpy.. the moment i put him on the carseat.. car move.. he fall aslp le.. no matter how i disturb him.. he jus refuse to open his eyes.. even i carry him back home.. put into yao lan.. he jus carry on slpin...

i left home to go for lesson at 12.30pm.. had lunch at kofu with hubby.. then he drove me to ftc.. listening to tat ah neh chant ah.. reali make me wana sleep.. even copy note/ans.. i oso feel so slpy.. sian..

reach home at 5.45pm.. shawn was still slpin.. wait for him to wake up.. then feed him porridge for dinner.. b4 we left for giselle bday bash...

A bit jam at the downtown east ... reach the chalet at 8pm... all the guests had left.. shawn was enjoyin himself in the chalet.. playing giselle present..toy.. the goodies bag.. balloon..etc..we left at 9pm.. shop ard downtown east.. then left at 9.30pm..

More updates - 19 Mar 2009

Shawn cough & phlem getting bad.. wana bring him to PD.. but the clinic was too pack.. dr cant take in anymore patient.. so i decided to bring him to Dr Khoo.. Hubby n I took half day leave to bring shawn to Dr Khoo.

Dr khoo check on shawn.. I m really proud of shawn.. Dr listen to his lung.. he jus look at doc.. wondering wat he is doing.. when doc check on his throat.. focus him to open wider.. he almost vomited.. but he still guai guai de.. no cry.. put him on the weighin machine .. he sit in..smilin at us.. help him to stand up after tat.. he stood on the side off the bed... then slowin.. he walk back to the weighin machine to sit.. cute boy..

Doc say he got slight virus inflection.. but no serious cos no fever yet.. give him cough/flu n phlem medicine..

Giving shawn medicine was easy.. hehe.. mayb he is tiam jia... he willing to take the medicine.. n even ask for more.. hahaha...


P1000032 new.flv

Tuesday 17 March 2009

12 Mar 2009 @ Changi Village

Brought him to Loyang pai pai... went Changi village for dinner.. my mum let him take this ride.. it was his sec time.. he actually know how to put the coin into the machine.. haha..

take note of his head... he move with the music..

On 12 March 2009 Shawn Birthday day

Still rmb last year.. at this time.. he was only so tiny... i miss tat :)

To Shawn: Happy Birthday my darling... hope u grow up health, strong and b a good man... Daddy n mummy love u very much... u must guai guai okie.. :)

Thursday 12 March 2009

Photo Album 2009-03-12

shawn is one today

today shawn is one yo le ... still rmb every bit of how he was born n now he is 1le ... miss those latch on.. tat tiny baby i can easily carry in my arm.

plan to take leave to bring him out to play ... but cos he got flu on monday ... hubby n i took a day of le... hence we decide not to take leave le...

went to fetch my mum n together we bring shawn to loyang temple... to thanks god for keep shawn safe n grow up health...

btw on mon visit to pd ... n at 1yo ... he is 10.1 kg only... not much weight gain ... but he is 3times his born .weight le ..

Thursday 5 March 2009

Shawn 1st bday bash on 1st March 2009

I notice I didn note down shawn bday bash.. I must do it.. :)

It was shawn lunar bday .. So we decided to do it tat day..

Took a day off on Friday.. Have been busy with my catch up class hence decide to take a day off to accompany my darling Shawn.. woke up early as usual.. As per normal routine.. shawn had his cereal.. milk.. bath.. then back to morning nap at 10am.. n I oso take my nap..

Hubby took half day off oso.. We bring my mum to Baby kingdom to buy a car seat which my mum wana get for shawn as bday present.. then to S’goon to collect the helium gas tank.. n to balastie to get the seat cover for hubby car..

Reach home ard 8pm le.. play with shawn for a while then get him to bed le..

28Feb (Sat)

Went out for bf as usual.. went to rivervale plaza to get shawn FM n diaper.. read from forum.. theres a store there which sell things cheaper.. as a ‘aunty’ mummy now.. I must learn to count every cent le.. haha..

Went to Ada bday bash at 2pm.. Linda reali make an affort to do up Ada party.. even had a guest board for every one to sign..

Didn’t go back yishun tdy.. cos I tot wana stay at home to do some décor tday le..

we start to décor the wall n put up the banner.. n blow some balloon..

On 1st Mar (Sun),

Dear went out to tabao bf.. had our bf.. then receive a sms from winne.. they have something on.. need to drop by early then rush off.. I was still in my PJ.. quickly had a quick bath.. n ask hubby faster go fatch my mum over.. not to miss them..

Buffet set up at 11.30am.. Food was nice.. according to my guest.. jus tat the drink was not enough.. we need to add more syrup n water to mix more water for the guest..

Winnie come in with Hanyi n Ashton at 11.45am.. n left shortly..

Many of my fren turn up.. but some was in a rush to leave.. hence I brought forward the cake cutin to 2.30pm.. then follow by the future picking.. all went on smoothly.. other then noti shawn.. keep yellin to get my cake toppers.. *faint*

Big thanks to our buddy.. Jianxiong (zac) for helping us to take lots of pics.. esp the video tat he had taken for during the cake cutting n future pick…

Thanks to my mil.. who reali spend lots of time to tidy up the place after tat…

Thanks to my mummy.. for her yummy curry chicken…

Thanks to my hubby seng.. who rush ard to fatch my mum.. pick the cake.. organise the event.. attend to my frens :)

Thanks to all my guests who turn up will wonderful gifts, ang bao & blessin for my darling shawn..

Sunday 1 March 2009

Shawn 1st bday bash

@ Fernvale home 1pm-4pm
Lots of Fren, relatives turn up for his bday..
Thks for all the gift, ang bow & blessing...

(More pics coming up)

@ Ada's birthday bash

Was invited to Ada's bday on 28 Feb 2009..

So fast our little one are turning 1 yo one after another le..

Carseat.. from Shawn's WaiPo & Jiu Jiu :)

Went to baby kingdom to get this carseat.. together with my mum to chose.. found this at a 40% discount.. @ $238... Mum decided on this red/grey set.. cos shawn like to red :)

Something NEW!!

Happen to found this in one of the website last wk.. Told hubby abt it.. he like it too.. so we went down to get a set for our car.. chose mickey & minnie cos it head set for the front seat got their head de.. looks cute..

My last two bottle of EBM ... 1 Mar 2009

I notice i haven noted down this ah... hehehe... My last two bottles of EBM..Pic taken on 1 Mar 2009.. my last express on 28 Feb 2009..

On shawn celebration of his 1st bday.. i stopped expressing.. wat a day to mark..