Sunday 22 March 2009

PD Visit @ 1yo on 21 Mar 2009

Tdy Shawn has an appointment with Dr Lillian Lim at 11am....

We reach at 10.45am.. waited til 11.15am..

Shawn had his peunoc last jab n chicken pox jab... sign up the package for chicken pox jab + 15mth old jab + 18 mth old jab.. cost $310.. plus the peuno jab take tdy.. total..we spend $499... He is 10.4kg n 75cm tall now.. is like not much growth from the last access leh.. esp the height..

Shawn was very guai.. he got the first chicken pox jab.. make no noise.. he jus turn ard to see who poke him.. but the sec peuno jab.. was slightly more painful.. he WAH.. one sound.. then was distracted by the toy my hubby was holdin on to.. PD change shawn cough/flu & phlem medicine.. hope he can recover fully soon..

he miss his morning nap.. was so slpy.. the moment i put him on the carseat.. car move.. he fall aslp le.. no matter how i disturb him.. he jus refuse to open his eyes.. even i carry him back home.. put into yao lan.. he jus carry on slpin...

i left home to go for lesson at 12.30pm.. had lunch at kofu with hubby.. then he drove me to ftc.. listening to tat ah neh chant ah.. reali make me wana sleep.. even copy note/ans.. i oso feel so slpy.. sian..

reach home at 5.45pm.. shawn was still slpin.. wait for him to wake up.. then feed him porridge for dinner.. b4 we left for giselle bday bash...

A bit jam at the downtown east ... reach the chalet at 8pm... all the guests had left.. shawn was enjoyin himself in the chalet.. playing giselle present..toy.. the goodies bag.. balloon..etc..we left at 9pm.. shop ard downtown east.. then left at 9.30pm..

More updates - 19 Mar 2009

Shawn cough & phlem getting bad.. wana bring him to PD.. but the clinic was too pack.. dr cant take in anymore patient.. so i decided to bring him to Dr Khoo.. Hubby n I took half day leave to bring shawn to Dr Khoo.

Dr khoo check on shawn.. I m really proud of shawn.. Dr listen to his lung.. he jus look at doc.. wondering wat he is doing.. when doc check on his throat.. focus him to open wider.. he almost vomited.. but he still guai guai de.. no cry.. put him on the weighin machine .. he sit in..smilin at us.. help him to stand up after tat.. he stood on the side off the bed... then slowin.. he walk back to the weighin machine to sit.. cute boy..

Doc say he got slight virus inflection.. but no serious cos no fever yet.. give him cough/flu n phlem medicine..

Giving shawn medicine was easy.. hehe.. mayb he is tiam jia... he willing to take the medicine.. n even ask for more.. hahaha...


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