Sunday 29 March 2009

Shawn 1st time … @ growing up gifted (GUG)

So much to note down… was telling yue jiao the other day tat I wana bring Shawn to TheGym.. for him to play there.. she recommended tat I sld bring him to GUG instead.. she sends her two kids to GUG n find tat interesting n really benefit her kids..


So I check out the website.. n happen to chat with winnie over sms.. n come to know Ashton is goin for his trial oso… so I thk I sld oso give it a try.. I call up GUG on wed.. tot thur I was o leave.. so mayb can bring him there.. but too bad.. no class on thur for shawn to join.. I left our name with them..


Fri.. I got a miss call.. I return the call n was GUG.. informing me sat n sun got 2 sessions available for trial.. ask whether m I interested… I quickly call hubby.. he was excited as well..n suggested to take sat 11.45 session..


Sat 28 March 2009

We woke up at 8am.. prepare cereal for shawn.. while mil bath him.. hubby n I went out for bf at Jalan Kayu.. come back at 10am.. Shawn was sleeping.. I pack shawn stuffs..(water, bottles, milk, diaper, extra clothing, rice cereal for lunch..etc) .. shawn woke up at 10.30am.. change him.. make a bottle of 120ml milk for him to drink in the car… got out of home at 10.45am..


Hubby decided to go by KPE to avoid the possible jam at CTE.. we reach Suntec at 11.25am.. do the registration at 11.30am.. we r going into room 2… waited a while outside..


hubby was allow inside the room for the first 10min.. shawn hold on to 2 ball the moment he got into the room.. Til the teachers say…’toys away…” they bring two big baskets for the children to keep the toys… I took away the 2 balls shawn holding.. He started to yell n point at the basket... teacher keep it to one side.. n tell us to sit on the mat.. shawn got up n keep wana walk to get the ball.. I need to catch hold of him to grab him back to the mat few time.. til the music starts.. teacher sing.. claps.. he starts to nob his head n clap…


they play music, sing, play ‘fishing’ game, read story book, use pauper, teach simple words (seven, mirror, monkey, mouse etc), teach ABC in very interesting way.. last 15min in the music room.. shawn like the bubble song …


Hubby view the session out the door.. he oso thk shawn enjoy it.. after some discussion with hubby.. we thk shall let him go have fun ba.. will sign up a term to see how shawn adapt to it.. I believe he will love it :)


  1. great to hear that Shawn enjoy the class... Keep it up, Shawn!

  2. Per term of 8 session cost abt $360 (Including GST) ... 1 sesssion per wk for 1.5hr

    yodee: u interested?? hehe.. mayb we can gather more mar08 bb to make up a class to ask for more discount hor... hehe

  3. i brought Ryan there yesterday.. i found it abit boring. hehe. i was busy catching Ryan as he was more interested in "chatting up" other toddlers.

  4. u dun find it interesting meh?? shawn enjoy the singing n dance along.. haha.. jus tat he still haven learn to sit still oso.. but tat normal de leh.. according to the teachers.. they will slowly learn to pay attention..

  5. i have to bring my babe to try it out. she loves music and dancing. anyway, when's shawn class starting? anytime from you sign up? :)

  6. hehe, i found it more tiring than interesting as i had to keep grabbing the struggling Ryan.
    I enjoyed the music time which was only 15mins.
    major of the class, i din enjoy. therefore i felt tat it's too early.
