Friday 29 May 2009

25 May 2009.. 2nd gynea visit

@#$%^&.. was write a short quick blog yty.. but got problem posting it up.. end up got to re write again tdy... @#$%^&

i went to see the gyne on mon 25may.. due to sun 24may.. i got red n clot blood discharge which frighten the hell out of me.. stay in bed for the whole day.. tryin to rest as much as possible.. Hubby wana send to me kkh A&E.. but i insist to wait n observe.. (cool leh.. hehe..stay calm lehhh..hehe)

Suggest go gynea only the next day.. since hubby will b on leave oso.. we went to Dr Adrian in the after 1pm.. so crowded.. but i manage to see him at 1.20pm.. was instructed to increase dosage on the duphaston to 2tab 3 time daily... he ask whether i wana take the jab.. i told him.. can dun wan.. then avoid lol... haha.. then he tell me to REST.. ask me need MC?? Luckly i was on leave.. can reali stay at home..

I was revising for my exam on 8 & 10 jun.. everyday i study.. i lost more n more confident.. i reali doubt i can make it.. i duno wat i m studyin.. nothing seem to go into me brain.. i cant memorise ANYTHING.. no to mention the whole combin code which i sld rmb.. corporate goverance,,, risk management... internal control... 5 forces.. mandow matrix... PLC... etc etc... i m going crazy liao ah... Y i wan to studyyyy??? REGRET!!!

Hubby took his class 4 TP on 25 May.. but didn make it.. tat makes him nag for the WHOLE day.. as usual.. he is alway those naggy type.. keep replyin wat make him FAIL.. haha.. my naggin man.. now start naggin me.. not restin enough.. cos the spotting.. hai..

hope bb wont got tai jiao.. n behave like daddy ah.. hahaha


  1. hee.. me too not really started study ah..tink cant get thru again this time..=) wat's the duphaston for ah?

  2. are u ok?? ? I was on 安胎药 too
